Chapter Fourty Two

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The next day was the same for everyone. The toys performed on stage, Mangle was torn apart, Foxy sat in the parts and service trying to repair his friends, and the Puppet sat in his box, every once in a while, popping out to give a kid a prize.
That night, right after the restaurant closed, the workers brought in a small box, about the size of a child, and placed it in the arcade room near where the Puppet's box was.
When everyone left, all the animatronics gathered up by the show stage. "Alright," Chi said. "This night, we need a plan."
"I fixed my friends to the best of my ability," Foxy said. "We just need to hope that they will wake up soon, like I did."
"Hey, do you guys hear that?" Toy Bonnie asked. There was a static sound, steadily growing louder. Within a few seconds, it appeared to be coming from the same room as them. But no one was there.
"Hey guys," said a voice. Everyone looked up. Mangle was hanging from the ceiling, gripping onto loose wires and tiles to hold herself up. "You left me again!" She exclaimed.
"W-well, we thought you were too broken to-" Fred began. Mangle cut him off.
"Too weak to what?! Simply walk to the stage?!" Mangle growled angrily.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, Foxy was trying to get us to let him carry you over here so you could help." Chi said.
Mangle smiled at Foxy. "Aww, you really though about me?"
"Well, the others were thinking about you too," Foxy said, rubbing the back of his neck, looking embarrassed. "They wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt by trying to move around."
"Well," Mangle looked thoughtful. "Yeah, I guess you are right. Shall we begin?"
The animatronics moved throughout the building, always getting slightly closer to the guard's office.
Mangle reached the office through the vent, and peered into the room.
"Freddy?" She asked, confused. "Why are you in the office? Where is the guard?"
Freddy shrugged and Mangle sighed and left.
"Hey Foxy!" Mangle called out as she approached him. "Did you see Freddy? He was in the office!"
"That wasn't Freddy, Mangle." Foxy replied.
"Then...was it a new Freddy?" Mangle asked.
"No Mangle, no it wasn't." Foxy replied in a bored and annoyed voice.
"Was it Golden Freddy then?" Mangle asked.
"No. MANGLE, IT WAS THE FREAKING NIGHT GUARD, OKAY?!?!?!" Foxy yelled, his voice echoing throughout the building.
"Wut," Mangle responded. "Dat no guard. Dat's Freddy." She swung back up to the ceiling and crawled away. Foxy just sighed.
"Hey Foxy!" Called Bon. "Did you see Freddy in the office?"

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I checked this book today and saw that it had over 3k reads!!! Thank you so much everyone!!!!! I seriously never thought my story would make it this far! I have been seriously busy in life lately because of many reasons. I am moving out of my house into a rental house on monday, so I have been going through and packing up all my random crap in my room. I have exams and EOC's coming up, which are all big tests. Also, all my teachers are piling me with homework. XP However, once school gets out, I will have two whole months at my grandparents' house where I will hopefully have more time to write. Alright, I will see you all in the next chapter!!! PEACE!!!!!

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