Chapter twenty

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Warning: violence and extreme injuries (possibly death) up ahead
Foxy opened his golden eyes to the annoying buzzing of his alarm clock. "Argh, is it Monday again?" He asked himself, slamming his fist on the alarm clock, shutting it off.
"Rise and shine, Foxy."
Foxy sat up quickly, sending the covers of his bed flying to the floor. That voice... it wasn't in my head!
A dark shape stood, leaning against Foxy's farthest wall from him, it's red eyes glowing, and illuminating the dim room. "Hello, Foxy."
"A-aren't you supposed to be in my head?" He managed to stutter after a few moments of silence.
"I can go back if you want me to."  The voice said. The dark shape suddenly flashed toward Foxy and disappeared as it touched him.
Foxy's eyes opened, but they weren't their normal golden color. They were red, and glowing. "Let's have some fun." He whispered in a dark, demonic voice, that would send chills down even the bravest person's spine.
Wait! Please! Don't! Foxy cried from inside his head. His body stood up, and walked to the bathroom. Foxy exited again, dressed and ready for work.
The voice from Foxy's head (A/N How about, from now on we call Foxy's mysterious "friend" Nightmare. It will make things much easier on my part) controlled Foxy to head to work, Foxy protesting the whole way.
Nightmare Foxy stepped into the building and looked around. Like Foxy, he was early. He headed to the kitchen, where all their pizzas would be made. He searched through every drawer, looking for something in particular. Something.... DEADLY.
Eventually, he found it. A knife, sharp, and gleaming in the dim lights of the kitchen.
No! Foxy thought, trying to fight back. You can't do this!
"Says who?"
Says me! Please! Just stop!
"I... CAN'T."
Nightmare Foxy exited the kitchen, the knife expertly hidden. Just then, the door opened. It wasn't an employee.
"Hi Foxy!" Said Chi. "Where is Mangle? Am I early? She invited me to visit her at work today!"
"She isn't quite here yet." Nightmare Foxy said, trying to sound like a normal human.
"You okay Foxy?"
"Yeah. Just... tired and still recovering from this weekend." He let out a little chuckle. "Hey, would you mind coming with me to the back room? I have something to show you."
Nightmare Foxy led Chi all the way to the back room and shut the door. The room was extremely dusty, except it had footprints leading in, and back out of the room. They seemed fresh, like as if they were made the day before.
Six objects about the sizes of humans were covered in tarps by the back wall.
"So, Foxy, what did you want to show me?" Chi asked.
"Oh, not really much... JUST THIS!!!" He revealed the knife and stabbed Chi in the stomach. She screamed and collapsed to the floor, clutching her wound. Nightmare Foxy kicked Chi, sending her flying into a wall. He proceeded to stab her repeatedly, getting blood and chunks of flesh all over the room and on Foxy's clothes. Chi looked up at Foxy, trying to keep her eyes open. "F-Foxy? Why?" Then her eyes closed and she went limp.

Hey guys!!! Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I wanted to get this chapter out to you!!! I want your guys' opinion on a few things. In my next book, the main focus will be Fangle, but there will be other ships as well.
I will list out some of them:
-GoldenTrap (Golden Freddy x Springtrap)
-Toy Bonnica (Toy Bonnie x Toy Chica)
-Frica (Freddy x Chica)
-Bonlora (Bonnie x Ballora)
-Bonreena (Bon-Bon x Minireena) [Minireena's name is Yvette]
-Phantom Frica (Phantom Freddy x Phantom Chica)
-Phantom Fangle (Phantom Foxy x Phantom Mangle)
-Nightmare Bonnica (Nightmare Bonnie x Nightmare Chica)
-Jack o Bonnica (Jack o Bonnie x Jack o Chica)
-FunTime Frexy (FunTime Freddy x FunTime Foxy)
-Nightmare Frangle (Nightmare Freddy x Nightmare Mangle) [betcha didn't see that one coming! It actually wasn't my decision. It was my sister's. I think she was tired of my Fangle craziness.]
-Nightmare Foxbit (Nightmare Foxy x Lolbit)
-Bennard (Baby x Ennard)
-Shadow Nightbon (Shadow Bonnie x Nightmare)
-Nightmare Fredreena (Nightmare Fredbear x Minireena) [Minireena's name is Becca]
-Yendreena (Yendo x Minireena) [Minireena's name is Brianna]
-Nightreena (Nightmarionne x Minireena) [Minireena's name is Angelina]
-Shadow Fronette (Shadow Freddy x Bonette)

So, vote on your favorites and those will be the (second) top priority!!!!! I will see you all in the next chapter! PEACE!!!

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