Chapter Twenty One

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Mangle entered the pizzeria with Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Golden Freddy right behind her. Like usual, Golden Freddy went to the back room and Chica crawled around underneath tables trying to find Foxy before he jumps out and scares her.
Suddenly, there was a girly, high pitched shriek. "Chica, you okay?" Freddy asked.
Chica popped her head out from under a table, banging her forehead on the corner. "Ow." She muttered. "That wasn't me who screamed!" She pouted. "How come you guys always assume it is me!"
"Maybe because every single day you get scared by Foxy and scream?" Bonnie pointed out.
"Shut up!" Chica said, punching him.
"Umm, shouldn't we go and find out who screamed?" Freddy asked the others.
They followed him to the back room where Golden Freddy had went. "Golden Fred-"
Freddy stopped in his tracks and went silent.
"What?!" Chica asked. "WHAT IS IT?!"
"Freddy?" Mangle asked slowly and calmly. "What happened?"
Freddy silently stepped aside and everyone peered into the room. Golden Freddy was standing in the middle of the blood soaked room, looking horrified at what he had found. "G-Golden Freddy?" Chica asked. "What happened?"
"I-I came in here just like every other day, and I found... this." He stepped aside, revealing a body so mangled that they could hardly tell who it was.
"C-Chi?!" Mangle exclaimed. She ran over to the remains of her friend and collapsed. Her eyes began tearing up as she examined the stab wounds that had killed her best friend. You didn't deserve this! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!?!
Mangle burst into tears and began sobbing. Memories of her and her friend flooded back to her, making her cry even harder.
She remembered the first time they met, all those times they played at the playground or at the skating rink, all those times Chi stood up against bullies five grades above her and sent them crying to their teachers.
"W-where is Foxy?" Mangle asked, sniffing. "He is always here early! He must have seen something that can help us figure out who it was!"
Bonnie looked away from them all. "He... He isn't here. I checked the whole building. Even in the basement!"
"Well, we can use the security tapes to see what happened." Golden Freddy pointed out.
They all crowded in the security office behind the chair Golden Freddy was sitting in. He grabbed his laptop and pulled up the security recordings. He fast-forwarded through the past week, staying on the back room camera.
Mangle looked closer at the room shown in the camera and noticed Golden Freddy and another man bringing in tall human sized objects covered by tarps into the room. They were lined up against the back wall and left. Golden Freddy eventually found the tapes from earlier this morning and played them.
They saw two figures enter the room, the first pausing to close the door. Who is that? Mangle thought. The security cameras didn't have the best video quality.
"So, Foxy, what did you want to show me?"
Mangle's eyes teared up once again and she ran out of the room. She opened up a closet in the west hallway and curled up inside.
After a few moments of Mangle sobbing alone in the closet, Golden Freddy opened the door. "I never really trusted him." Golden Freddy said. "He was always... different... but... when you came, I thought he had changed for the better. But, now I guess not."
Mangle looked up, tears in her eyes. "Is this supposed to make me feel better or worse?" She asked, her voice full of venom.
"Er... sorry." He said. He sat down next to her. "Well, I guess all we can do now is confront him and see what his motives were. If he has any." He whispered that last part. Mangle glared, but Golden Freddy didn't seem to notice.
"Well then." Mangle said, getting to her feet. She held out a hand to Golden Freddy. "Shall we go and find him?"

Hopefully I can get another chapter out to you guys soon despite me being super busy! I will see you all later! PEACE!!!!!

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