Chapter thirty seven

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One year later...
Mangle slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was not in the storage room like she was before, but now she was in a brightly decorated room with kids' toys all over the place. W-where am I? She thought, stepping off her mini stage to get a better look at the place. There were posters of herself, and other animatronics she did not recognize. They looked like her friends but... newer... and shinier... just like Mangle...
Mangle exited the room and explored the building, seeing party rooms, and game rooms, all with posters of the same characters. Finally, she found the main room where there was a stage with three animatronics.
She walked up to the stage and examined the robots. One was like Freddy, but was a bit rounder and was shiny. The second was like Bonnie, but... blue? And it had eyelashes. Is this thing a boy or a girl? The last was like Chica, except her bib said "let's party" instead of "let's eat". She had what seemed like makeup and booty shorts on her. Is this appropriate for kids?
"Hello?" She asked the new animatronics. They did not move.
"They are not alive." Said a musical voice behind Mangle. She whirled around to see a thin black figure with white stripes on the arms and legs. It has a white mask and red cheeks and lips. It's blank black eyes examined Mangle.
"What?" Mangle asked, stepping backwards a step. "They aren't... what?"
"Living. They are not alive.... yet." The thing said.
"W-who are you?" Mangle asked, stuttering nervously. Something about this thing wasn't right.
"I am the Puppet. Or others call me the Marionette. I honestly don't even know myself." If the puppet had a real face, he would look amused.
"Okay then... can I call you Mari?" Mangle asked, smiling.
The puppet sighed. "...fine..."
"Yay!" Mangle said. She looked around, remembering what she was doing. "Hey, um... have you seen my friends? Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy and Sabrina?"
"Possibly." Mari said, looking bored. Mari yawned. "I'm going to go back to my music box to sleep. Goodnight Mangle." Mari floated away, to another room, the song, pop goes the weasel playing as he moved.
"Wait!" Mangle called, but he was gone. She sighed. I guess I have to find them on my own.
Mangle went down a hallway branching off from the main room. There were two locked doors on one side of the hallway, and a second hallway branched off the other. At the end of the hallway, there was a door. Is this one locked too? Mangle thought to herself. Parts and service? Wonder what that means...
Mangle turned the doorknob, and the door slowly creaked open. She gasped in horror seeing her friends... broken...
Freddy has patches of his suit torn off, and was missing an eye. Chica's jaw was broken, and her hands were missing. Bonnie was missing his face and his arm. Foxy had his suit torn off on his legs, and his head, showing his endoskeleton.
Mangle rushed over to Foxy and waved a paw in front of his face, hoping that he would turn on. When he remained still, she went to his back and opened up his control panel. She flipped the switch, turning him on, and waited.

He did not wake up. Mangle let out a loud screech of sadness and hugged him. If she was a human, she would be sobbing. She quickly stood up, and fled the room, slamming the door shut behind her.
She wandered the second hallway, finding four party room, and an empty office with a vent on each side. Hmm... so there will be a night guard here? I guess it makes sense, considering how we were constantly moving around at night at the other pizzeria.
Mangle returned to the stage to find Mari standing (Hovering? Floating?) In front of it.
I wonder what he is doing? She thought, confused.
Suddenly, the animatronics' eyes glowed, and Mari collapsed to the ground. "Mari!" Mangle yelled, running over.
"I... helped them..." Mari said before fainting.
"Mangle?" Asked a voice. Mangle looked up to the stage to see the three animatronics looking at her.
"Wait, how do you know my name?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Don't you recognize us?" The newer Bonnie said, sounding crestfallen.
"It's us, Mang!" The newer Chica said.
"Wait, Chi?! Bon?! Fred?! How did you guys become animatronics?"
"Well, I remember Foxy taking me to the back room then stabbing me. Then I opened my eyes to find myself here! Why are you an animatronic anyway?"
Mangle sighed. "This guy named William Afton killed all of us and took over our restaurant. He stuffed our bodies in these suits, so now our souls possess them. An incident happened in our pizzeria, causing it to close. Then, I woke up here and-" she cut off, remembering her incident in the parts and service. "They won't wake up!" She said, her voice barely a whisper. "Foxy is gone."
"Oh, Mangle, I am so sorry!" Chi exclaimed, leaping off the stage to hug her. Bon and Fred joined the two girls.
After a minute, Fred pulled away. "All I remember is walking down the street, when something stabbed me in the back." He said.
"Same, dude." Bon said. "I was actually heading to the pizzeria because I heard the news about Chi but then I was killed."
"No wonder you never showed up!" Mangle exclaimed. "Everyone but you, Foxy, and Fred were there!"
"What happened after that?"
Mangle sighed. "Well, I guess I said some things to Foxy that I really should not have said. He actually listened to me and tried to kill himself! Somehow he survived, and was brought to the hospital, where he woke up, snapped, and killed many more people. He was put in jail, and they tried to put him to death many times, but he would just keep waking up. He escaped, because somehow he knew about Afton's plan to kill us, and ended up getting himself killed. Then Afton lured us to the pizzeria and killed all of us." Mangle said.
The others were shocked. "We missed so much!" Chi exclaimed.
"Yeah." Mangle said. "We did meet a new friend though! Her name is Sabrina, and she was a worker at the pizzeria. She was really nice, but Afton gave her a job to wear a certain suit that was really not safe, and she ended up dying. Golden Freddy, one of our friends that you never met, was really close to her, so when she was killed, he snapped and killed many people. That is when we were put into storage." Mangle paused for a moment. "I just realized something. I never saw Golden Freddy or Sabrina when I was in the parts and service room! I hope they are okay."
Chi smiled at her. "I am sure that they are alright! We just have to think positive!"
Mangle smiled. This is what I love about Chi. She always sees the good in every situation, no matter how bad it really is.
"Ugh, what happened?" Asked a voice beside them. They all looked over to see Mari, rubbing his head with one of his hands. "Oh, they are awake. Good!"
"Guys, this is Mari! He is the reason you guys woke up!" Mangle said, helping Mari to his feet. He immediately floated a few inches off the ground, making him seem much taller than he did before.
"Thanks Mari!" Chi said, giving Mari one of her infamous bone-crushing hugs.
"Can't....breathe!" He gasped, trying to pry her off of him.
"Oops! Sorry!" Chi said, letting go and stepping back.
The six AM bell rang, causing everyone to jump. "Alright," Mari instructed. "You need to return to where you woke up. Your programming will take over and help you throughout the day." He speed-floated back to his box, and went inside, closing the top.
"Alright, good luck you guys!" Mangle said, leaving the others to go back to her stage.
"You too!" Chi called back from her spot on stage.
Right as Mangle froze on stage, the front doors opened workers flooded in, preparing for the day.
I missed performing for the kids! Mangle thought. Let's see how rusty I am!

Hey guys!!! Sorry for not updating this story! My dad was in the hospital, but he is better and back at home now, so, YAY!!! I was SOOOOO happy to bring back Chi and the other Toys! I also got to introduce Mari!!! Where are Goldie and Sabrina? Were they scrapped? Why are the original animatronics not turning on? SO MANY QUESTIONS THAT ONLY I KNOW THE ANSWER TO!!!!!!!! XD I will try to update again soon!!! (Spring break starts in one week for me!!!) I will see you all in the next chapter!!! PEACE!!!!!

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