Chapter thirty four

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A few weeks passed, and everything was normal at the pizzeria. Except for the fact that there were dead bodies in the suits, Afton kept trying to kill Sabrina and punish her in any way possible, and there was an inci- hold on, let me back up for a sec.
Sabrina was serving kids pizza, and performing by dancing and singing. The kids loved her! Afton's plan had really backfired. But he always has a backup plan.
"Oops!" He said, spilling a cup of soda onto her suit. He shoved her to the ground, causing many of the springlocks to come loose.
Sabrina screamed in agony as the mechanical parts impaled her, crushing her. Golden Freddy flew out of the back room, and slammed into Afton, knocking him against a wall. Golden Freddy knelt by Sabrina as she lay on the ground, twitching, blood leaking from the suit. People around them were screaming and fleeing in terror, but he didn't care.
"S-Sabrina!" Golden Freddy said. He tried to take off the suit's head, but the springlocks were deep into her body. The suit was stuck.
Please! He begged in his head. Don't die!
A golden yellow hand reached up to grab Golden Freddy's hand. "G-Goldie..." Sabrina's weak voice croaked. She coughed up blood, then twitched violently before screaming more.
Goldie heard police sirens and cops entered the building. "It was that bear animatronic!" Afton said. "He killed the girl in the suit and tried to attack me too!"
Kill them. A voice suddenly spoke in Golden Freddy's head. Kill them all!
A sudden feeling of rage and hatred came over Golden Freddy. He lunged forward with superhuman speed and slammed one of the cops into a wall. They shot their guns at him, but he didn't care. The bullets pierced his suit, and damaged his eyes. Golden Freddy felt one of his ears get torn off.
He grabbed another cop and threw him, knocking down three others. He chomped down on another's head and twisted one's neck so far that there was a sickening crack. He fought his way through the crowd until he stood before William Afton. For once, he saw fear in Afton's eyes. He was truly afraid of Golden Freddy. And he should be.
What the hell am I doing?! Golden Freddy thought, shaking his head violently, trying to clear the dark thoughts from his head. I don't kill people! He looked down at his blood-stained paws. At least I used to.
Before he could make another move, someone opened up the panel on his back and shut him down. As his vision began to fade, he turned around to see one of the bloody cops that he had tried to kill. That face would haunt him forever...

Hey guys!!! Argh! The next season of a show that I watch came out today on netflix!!! But my parents decided about a month ago that they weren't gonna get netflix anymore!!! I am so sad now!!! But I did find a website where I can watch it, but it doesn't have any of the newer episodes yet! I've been waiting all day and they still haven't come!!! (The show I am talking about is Dragons: Race to the Edge.) So, I have officially finished all my homework, and I have this whole three day weekend to write because I have nothing better to do with my life!!!!! (This is kinda sad lol) I will see you all in the next chapter! PEACE!!!!!

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