Chapter nine

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Mangle and Chi were walking to meet their friends at the roller skating place. I am so nervous!!! The others don't know that Foxy and I are together yet!!! Argh! How can we tell them?!
"Hey Mangle, you okay?" Chi asked.
"Yeah, I just don't remember how to roller skate so I am nervous."
Mangle remembered all those times her and Chi would go out as kids and roller skate in this exact skating rink that they were going to visit right now. They were pretty much perfect skaters and they hardly ever fell down.
They entered the skating rink and looked around. Mangle smiled as memories flooded back to her of the first time she met Chi, and all the time they spent here when they were little kids.
"Let's go get skates while we wait for the others to arrive!!!" Chi said, dragging Mangle to the counter where they rent or buy skates. They got their sizes and tried them on.
"Yep. Mine fit!" Chi said happily, standing up. She immediately skated off into the rink. Mangle sat there nervously. Chi skated back. "What's the matter Mangle?"
"I-I just have not skated in at least five years, and I just don't remember how anymore..." Mangle said, trailing off shyly.
"Come on!" Chi said, pulling her best friend to her feet. "I haven't skated in a while either, so let's do it together!" They linked arms and slowly skated out to where all the people were skating around and around in circles.
Mangle remembered how when they were kids, she used to fall all the time, but then Chi went up to her and immediately cheered her up. From that moment, they were best friends.
All of a sudden, it all came back to her. She sped around the rink once, then flipped around so she was skating backwards. She grinned at her best friend who then copied her. Chi lifted up one skate, and Mangle did the same. They increased the difficulty until they were riding full speed, backwards, on one foot, and zig-zagging across the rink.
Mangle and Chi turned around and sped to a stop at one of the benches, feeling completely exhausted.
"I bet you can impress Bon with those tricks!" Mangle said after she caught her breath.
"And you can impress Foxy!" Chi returned, grinning.

Hey guys!!! The next chapter will be based off of my experience a few days ago! I went to a skating rink and I had tons of fun!!! (Even though I am a horrible skater! XD) So, I will see you in the next chapter!!! Peace!

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