°°Earth Kills°° (2)

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Above is a picture of Olympia, her clothes, and her cool necklace

Quote of the day:
An apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough."


For a few moments the three of them stood, back facing the wall, gasping for air. The sound of their ragged breath filled the silent cave as the poisonous fog passed.
Olymia swept a hand threw her brunette hair.
"What the hell was that?" Bellamy questioned.
"Acid fog, I guess. That's a thing. Ok, that's real?" she responded.

Charlotte looked up to the adults. "How long do we have to stay here?"
Olympia and Bellamy exchanged a glance. "We should stay until morning, with hourly checks."

Olympia agreed with his decision. Although the cave wasn't exactly comfortable, it was better than being burned alive with mysterious acid fog.

Charlotte stood in front of them with concern in her doe eyes. Bellamy kneeled down to her level. "Charlotte, why don't you go lay down and relax. We'll be here the whole time."

Olympia admired the soft tone of voice he used with the girl. She couldn't have said it much better than him.

Charlotte slowly moved toward the back of the cave. She sat down and closed her eyes.
Olympia sat down on the hard, cold, stone, ground. Bellamy sat across from the young woman. The silence between them brewed their constant eye contant.

Olympia thrived in silence. Where as silence may drive some to insanity, it was the opposite for her. To Olympia, it sparked thoughts, critical thoughts.

She sat comfortably in the crevices of the cave, thinking about everything that had happened to her on Earth.
Olympia thought of her arrival, the fights, the wristbands, Jasper, rescuing him.........Bellamy's gun.....
She furrowed her eyebrows. Why did he have a gun? Olympia thought back to when the gun was used. There had only been five shots then the gun was empty, and Olympia knew better then anyone that a gun like that fired six shots. Which means Bellamy had to have sot someone, and if Bellamy is so paranoid about them coming down to Earth to punish him, then he had to have shot this person after it was decided that the 100 were going to be sent down and forgiven of their crimes. It would've had to be someone important if ge had to fake his way on to the dropship.

Everything thought in Olympia's head linked together and she knew just what had happened. It all made sense. The hostility towards Wells, the paranoia, the secrecy.

"You shot Chancellor Jaha."

Bellamy's eyes snapped to meet hers. "How did you find out?" he asked demandingly.
"I just figured it out."

"Was it that easy to figure out?"

"Not until I put my mind to it."

"You can't tell anyone."

"I'm not making any promises."



"Don't tell anyone! I MEAN IT!"

"Are you trying to be intimidating? Because it's not working."


"Fine..... I'll only tell Clarke."

"Don't YOU DARE. I will not hesitate to kill you before you tell her!!"

"Calm down Blake. It's a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard."

"............shut the hell up."


"No! No! No!"

Queen [The 100] Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now