°°Murphy's Law°° (1)

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    Olympia sat in the dark dropship next to a frustrated Monty. He had been trying, for the past few days, to somehow contact the Arc.
    Monty let out a stressed sigh as he once again encountered a failed attempt.
    Olympia had worked with electrical equipment before. She could achieve minor acts, such as hacking, but something of the level Monty was trying to accomplish was a little out of her league.
  Clarke suddenly barged through the entrance of the drop ship with Finn following on her heels. "Monty, you still need a wristband to contact the Arc, right?"

   Monty nodded slowly. Clarke sat down next to him. "Good. Take mine."
   Olympia raised her eyebrows in question. Almost every word that had come out of her mouth had been to try and keep contact with the Arc.
    Monty slowly removed the wristband from Clarke's arm. His face lit up as he pulled the piece of technology away from her. It glowed as he smiled.

   "Yes! I did it! It's still operational."
   Olympia grinned at his accomplishment. She had know he could do it all along, even when he believed he couldn't.

   Clarke rose from her position, walking over to Finn with a smirk on her face. Finn looked down at her.
   "What? Monty needed a working wristband."
   "And you needed to punish your mother?"

  Olympia scoffed as she heard their conversation. So that's what it was about. She wants her mother to believe she's dead. Olympia didn't know why, but she did believe it was a childish thing to do.
   Deciding she was no longer interested in the conversation, Olympia walked outside of the dropship after Clarke and Finn.
  She glanced around to see everyone cooperating to complete the border to protect the small camp.

   Bellamy and Murphy stood at the front of all production. Murphy constantly watched the workers with his beady little eyes, waiting for someone to make a mistake.
   A boy carrying a log suddenly kneeled, most likely from exhaustion. Murphy took this opportunity to pounce.

  "Hey!" he yelled as he approached the boy. "You think the grounders are just going to sit around and wait for us ti finish the wall? Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?" he gestured to Charlotte.

   "I just need some water, ok? Then I'll be fine." The boy spoke up. Olympia couldn't  see why Murphy was making such a big deal about the boy's kneeling, they had been working constantly for the last few days.

  Bellamy obviously thought the same thing, for he stepped up to Murphy to prevent a fight that could develop. "Murphy, get this guy some water."
  With an annoyed glance Murphy turned to get water. Bellamy faced Charlotte now, with humorous eyes.

   "Hey, you got this?" He gestured to the log. The girl quickly stopped what she was doing and went to the log.

  Bellamy laughed and bent down to stop her.
    "I'm just kidding." he smiled to her as she grinned back.

  Olympia felt compelled to smile as she watched the two interact. It was nice to see the compassionate part of their demanding leader. Charlotte shouldn't have been sent down to Earth and it must be comforting to her to know that she had someone that would protect her.

  Bellamy to the log and placed it on his shoulder to carry. As he walked by Olympia, he met her briefly affectionate sea green eyes.
   Olympia tore her eyes away from him as Murphy approached the boy kneeling on the ground.
  Disgustingly, Murphy began to urinate on the boy. Olympia scowled at the immature co-leader.

   "Uhh! What the hell is wrong with you, Murphy!?" He pushed Murphy.
    "You said you wanted a water break."

    As soon as physical contact occurred, Olympia stepped forward to break up the potential fight.
   Murphy looked surprised when he was suddenly face to face with Olympia.
  "Murphy that is not how order people around."

Queen [The 100] Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now