°°His Sister's Keeper°° (2)

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  Olympia forced herself to remain in her tree as the six people gathered around the dead body, fear evident in their eyes.

Finn looked up at the looming trees. "They use the trees."

Another one of the males glanced around cautiously."We should've never crossed the boundary."
   "Now can we go back." A female supported him. Olympia heart flared in fury when she noticed the girl. She wasn't especially fond of Roma. The girl had spread a few rumours about Olympia that the assassin did not approve of. Although, Olympia was happy the girl had found another hobby that involved spreading something other than her legs.

"There." Olympia broke off from her thoughts as Jasper pointed to something in the distance. A grounder stood still, watching them. Olympia peered around. They had surrounded them in almost every direction.

  "We should run." Finn spoke below her.
  Bellamy was the first to take off running. As soon as the six began running, the grounder took of. Rasing her bow, Olympia shot another arrow and one of the many grounders fell to the ground dead.

   To keep up with the group, Olympia leapt from the tree, breaking her fall with a somersault. Sprinting to keep behind the group, she put away her bow and took out her knives.

  Olympia glanced to the side seeing a grounder only a few yards away. She ran straight at it. The grounder held it's sword high. It swung as Olympia slid under it's legs. While confused, Olympia drove her dagger into the back of it's skull. It dropped to the earth with a thud.
   Olympia continued to run after Bellamy's group. Another grounder was closing in on Finn. She ran a few yards then launched herself off a fallen log into the air. Surprised, the monstrous warrior froze and Olympia sliced its head clean off landing in a crouched position, then fluidly spinning back around, hurling a knife into the chest of another grounder.


  Olympia wasted no time glanced at the person who spoke her name. She was switched into killing mode.
  The six still ran in fear, less than before. They  knew now that she was present, but fear was present none the less.

  Although Olympia murdered numerous grounders, many still chased them.
   "Keep running!" Drawing her katana, Olympia urged them to press on.

  Approaching another cluster of grounders, she used her speed and agility to her advantage. Olympia severed one of them in half with her blade and dodged as the other swung with an enormous club. Olympia glared at the beady eyes of the monster. It quickly slammed it's weapon down. Just in time, Olympia used a back hand spring to avoid being hit. Sheathing her katana, Olympia drew a knife and propelled it lighting fast, right into the eye of her enemy.

  She turned to see the group had stopped running.
  "I'm not stopping for him!" Diggs, the other male, squealed as Jasper slowes down.
  "I'm tired of running anyway." Bellamy paused.

  "Hey, what are you doing?" Finn questioned him as if he were insane.

    "They know where she is." Bellamy responded. He just wanted to find his sister and yet the only thing be had found so far was the possibility of death.
   "If we don't keep running they'll kill us all." Olympia approached the group.

  Bellamy whirled around and met her gaze. His eyes held relief that dissolved into fury.
  "I told you to stay at camp!" He yelled in her face.

  "Excuse me!? I just saved all of you from getting killed!" she shouted back.

  "Why don't you ever listen?!" he swiped a hand through his hair.
   Feet stompted behind him.

   "In case you haven't notice, I don't take orders! I barely take suggestions!" Olympia waved her hands around wildly as she stated her point.
    Footsteps echoed behind Bellamy.

Queen [The 100] Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now