°°His Sister's Keeper°° (1)

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   Olympia relaxed in her tent on the makeshift bed. She had headed to her tent after the launching of the rockets.
    Looking at the bland cloth she used for her tent cover, Olympia contemplated her recent decisions.

   She focused on her thoughts and narrowed them down to realize the only thing she wanted was revenge. Revenge for Milo's death. Olympia only wanted to kill the council people and Diana. The rest, she supposed, they could live. She had no problem with them if they didn't have a problem with her.

   Without warning the flaps of her ragged tent flipped open and a distressed Bellamy entered her room.
   "There's this thing called privacy. I'm assuming you've never heard of it." Olympia jokingly insulted him. This was the one place she could watch over the 100 and still have privacy.

  Olympia would've continued to spit comments had she not recognized the look on Bellamy's face.

  "Have you seen Octavia?" He asked desperately.

   That's what he was worried about. Olympia should've known. He never showed any other emotion if the subject didn't pertain to Octavia.
   "No. I haven't. Not recently, anyway."

   Bellamy appeared crestfallen as he turned to walk out.
   "I'm leading a search team to go find her."

   He left the tent. Putting on her jacket, shoes, and attaching her weapons, Olympia followed Bellamy out of her tent.

   The clearing was buzzing as people rushed around. Clearly, excitment still clung in the air from the launching.

  Bellamy was walking with Clarke and speaking about the current situation.
    "You check the dropship again and I'll check the tents."
    Bellamy nodded. "Thank you."

    Clarke looked at him with distaste. "Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Octavia."
  Bellamy ignored the blonde and they parted ways in search of the Blake girl.


   "Hey everybody! Gather around and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up, we're not coming back without her."

  Olympia stood by and watched as Bellamy ordered the people to grabs a weapon. She was ready to face the grounders, she wasn't scared of them. Olympia missed the thrill of fighting. It was in her blood to fight, to lead.

  She made her way to the center of the crowd to where Bellamy was standing. Numerous people around them held weapons as they prepared to look for Octavia outside of the camp.

  "Well if you've got everyone rounded up, let's go." She began walking towards the entrance. Bellamy grabbed her elbow to hold her back.
  Bellamy glanced at her with a questioning gaze.
   "Olly, I need you here."

  Olympia's heart exploded with anger. Her face formed a furious exoression. 
  "What?! Are you serious, Bellamy! You're all going to get killed. You need me out there. I don't want to have to go out and find your cold dead corpses when you've all been murdered! You're running a suicide mission, Blake!"

  Olympia shouted angrily at him. She couldn't believe he was demanding her to stay behind. She was the only one that knew how to properly fight. Olympia thought that by now he would know that she was an asset when it came to fights.
    Bellamy flinched only slightly at her yelling as if he had been getting used to their verbal fights.

  "Queen, I need you to stay back at camp. If we're killed, you need to take over. Even if we're not killed and a grounder sees us, they may choose to come and attack camp."

Queen [The 100] Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now