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[[ PART 1 ]]

Quote of the day:
"No big deal.
Just the future of humanity."


    Olympia sat in a tree trying to calm herself. She was so enraged about what Bellamy had done to get Wells' wristband. She had wanted to snap Bellamy's neck then and there, but she couldn't. Olympia knew if she harmed Bellamy, the rest of the 100 would come after her. She knew she was a tough fighter, but Olympia was also smart enough to realize that she couldn't take on 100 criminals.
      Out of frustration she had created her own katanas during the night. She had been extremely angry then. The scrap metal around the tree she had stayed in had proved to be difficult to craft, but she had managed to create the katanas. Besides, the more weapons Olympia carried, the better she felt about being on this new world.

     As Olympia made her way down the tree she was in, she looked around. Some of the trees near her had some bark missing and there were traces of blood. Instead of taking her anger out on Bellamy, she had punched at the trees until her knuckles bled.

      Walking away from the tree, Olympia saw Wells pacing to the center of camp with clothes in his arms and dirt on his own.
       He was stopped by Atom. Olympia watched from a distance as the teen argued with Wells. After watching the boy shove Wells, Olympia decided to approach them. She was getting tired of protecting the troublesome teen. Olympia was only used to protecting herself and Milo and she had liked it that way.
    Olympia approached the two arguing boys as she heard the voice she least wished to hear.

     "You still don't get it, do you chancellor?"

     Olympia snapped her head up to see Bellamy exiting his tent with a brunette. He stood in front of the three shirtless. Olympia scorned herself for lingering her gaze on the toned chest of the Blake boy.

"This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply." Bellamy walked towards Wells. Atom began to take the clothing away from Wells. Olympia stepped forward and jammed her elbow into Atom's nose. A crack sounded as he tumbled to the ground.

  "Woah, woah, Queen. If Wells wants it, he can come take it himself." Bellamy challenged Wells. Wells just brushed his words off. "Is this what you want? Chaos."

     Bellamy smirked. "What wrong with a little chaos?" Olympia scowled at the leader.

   A scream ripped through the air and the quartet took off towards the sound, Bellamy finally putting on a shirt. In front of them stood Murphy pushing a girl over the fire.

   "Bellamy, check it out, we want the Ark to think that the ground is killing us right? Figured it'd look better if we suffered a little first."

      Olympia exploded from her standing position and pushed Murphy away from the fire. The girl scrambled away from them.

     "Bellamy, we need rules, this unnecessary violence needs to stop!" Olympia shouted at the tanned boy. Her sea-green eyes glared daggers into his chocolate pupils. For a moment his eyes froze, then they hardened.

   "Stop this? I'm just getting started." The young woman remained still. The amount of arrogance that the leader had was going to get them all killed.
    Just as Olympia prepared her counterattack, Murphy fist came flying towards her face. Quickly, Olympia moved away from the path of his fist and brought her elbow down on his back as he swung into empty air. Murphy grunted as he fell to the ground.

    Olympia punched the rebel in the face multiple times while keeping him down by straddling him. Blood was now pouring from his nose. Out of no where, Murphy gained the strength to flip them over. He attempted to punch her face, however Olympia was the experienced fighter, she caught the fist. Now standing, Olympia held her arms up as if boxing, and landed an uppercut into his gut.

Queen [The 100] Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now