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~~Vic's POV~~

I was so happy that Kellin said yes to being my boyfriend. When he said that he would, I nearly passed out because I though he wouldn't like me at all. I was just holding him in my arms in the same place that we have been for the past hour and a half.

"Vic...Thanks for bringing me here, it's really is beautiful." Kellin said.

"You're welcome Kellin...we should go get some food."

"Not yet, I want to enjoy this for a little longer."

"Okay." We both just went quiet after that, and it was really relaxing, especially because Kellin was in my arms. It was about 30 minutes later when we decided to leave to go get lunch. We had decided to eat at McDonald's because it was the closest place to the park.

"I'll pay for you, what do you want?" I asked as we walked into the building.

"Just a kids meal." He said. I nodded and got two kids meals because in all honesty, I wasn't that hungry. After we got our food, we sat down to eat. "Thanks Vic."

"Of course Kellin, anything for you." I saw him smile before eating a chicken nugget. We quietly finished our food and threw our garbage away before leaving. "What do you want to do now Kellin?"

"C-can we just go back to your place, my feet hurt from the heels." He said with a pout.

"I can carry you if you want....and do not say that you are too heavy for me, that is a very big lie."


"If you say you are fat or too heavy for me, I will just pick you up anyway."

"O-okay...and c-can you please carry me?" He asked as he looked at the ground and playing with the hem of the shirt I let him borrow. To be honest, that shirt looked better on him then it did me.

"Of course." I said as I picked him up bridal style so that I could see his beautiful face which had a slight blush on it. He put his arms around me neck, and I could tell he was nervous to do that. "You don't need to be nervous Kellin."

"B-but that's just who I am, that and y-you are my f-first boyfriend."

"Really?" I asked a little surprised.

"Yeah, no one else in the school was gay other than Tony, and I've known him for forever, and he didn't like me like that anyway."

"Oh...you are my second boyfriend, my ex and I only went out for a week before he left to go to Baltimore."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I knew it was coming though so it didn't hurt that much when he said that we had to break up."

"Okay, thanks for carrying me, but are you sure..."

"Yes Kellin, I am sure that you are not heavy or too fat for me to carry, you are actually lighter than what I was expecting."


"Yes, and Kellin?"


"You are a very beautiful person no matter what you say."

"You and I both know that I'm not going to accept what you just said."

"Yeah I know, but that doesn't mean I won't say it."

"Okay." It was quiet for the rest of the way back to my house but I was okay with it as long as I had Kellin. I put him down when we got to the door and opened it and made Kellin walk in first.

"Oh, hello boys, you just missed Mike and Tony." My mom said.

"That's okay mom, we'll be in my room if you need us."

"Okay." She said as me and Kellin walked up to my room and shut the door after we walked in.

"Hey Vic?" Kellin asked me.

"Yeah Kellin."

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but where is your father?" I tensed up at the mention of my father. "Like I said, you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"My f-father....he was a homophobic asshole and my mom didn't want to deal with him so they got a divorce."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"Its okay Kellin, it's been a few years since we've seen him so it's no big deal."

"Okay..." I turned and looked at Kellin and he was looking at the ground and was shaking.

"Are you okay Kellin?" He shook his head. "What's wrong?"

"Tony didn't explain everything, but that's cause he doesn't know everything."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...I-I tried to run aw-ay from home a f-few times, but my-y father al-always found-d me, a-and he...he would r-rape me a-anywhere t-that no-no one could s-see...h-he would-d g-gag me ev-every t-time so t-that no o-one would h-hear m-me." Kellin said before he fell to the ground and burst into tears. I immediately went over to him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Its okay Kellin, I promise that no one will hurt you ever again, I will make sure of that, and I will not break that promise. You...you are so much more important than I am in this world, and I would die trying to save you from anyone or anything. I mean it when I say everything to you, including when I say you are beautiful, you....you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

"I know you probably don't believe me, but I would seriously die trying to protect you. I know you definitely don't believe me when I say that you are beautiful, but I'm going to say that every chance I get because it it very true. I wish you would see that." I said.

"T-thank y-you-u so m-m-much Vic, and y-you are im-important to th-is world-d." Kellin said through sobs. I didn't say anything, I just tried to calm him down which worked after about an hour. "Thanks for calming me down Vic."

"Of course Kellin, I always wanna make sure you're okay." He looked up at me and smiled. I reached up to his face and wiped away the remaining tears off his face.

"I hate people seeing me like this." Kellin said leaning into my touch.

"To be honest, I also hate when people see me cry, but Kellin?"


"Your tears show that you are tired of holding everything in and just wanting to get everything out, and when you finally do, you just end up crying. Sure tears show weakness, but it makes sense as to why."

"I-I never thought about it like that."

"Well... Now you can."

"Thanks again Vic."

"No problem Kellin." I said with a smile. He smiled back and we both just sat there and talked about pretty much everything before he had to leave.

I just laid in my bed for a while before going to sleep with a smile on my face and Kellin's smile haunting my dreams. I really liked his smile and just everything about him... I never want to lose him.

Hold On Til May ~Kellic~Where stories live. Discover now