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~~Kellin's POV~~December 24th~~

It was now Christmas Eve, Tony and I's parents never actually came back from their business trip, and we all were worried. They had left about a month and a half ago for it, and we've been staying with Vivian, Mike, and Vic.

Vivian didn't mind that Tony and I were staying with them, but it made me feel terrible. Mike and Vic liked that we were both here. Vic and I didn't do anything other than make out when we weren't in the same room with the others, just like we were right now.

"Vic..." I said pulling away from him so that I could breathe.

"Yeah Kells."

"Do you think that my parents will ever come back?"

"I honestly don't know Kells, they said that they'd see you guys in a couple of weeks, but its been way longer than that." Vic said sadly. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I don't think that they're ever coming back."

"You never know Kellin, they might, you just need to have hope okay?"

"It's Christmas Eve Vic, all I have is hope."

"That's good."

"I guess."

"Boys! Dinner!" I heard Vivian yell.

"Let's go get food." I said as I got off of Vic's lap. He nodded and got off the bed before following me downstairs and into the kitchen. We got our food and sat down at the table with Mike, Tony, and Vivian. It was quiet throughout it, none of us spoke to each other. When I was done, I took care of my plate before starting my way upstairs.

"Can you wait in the living room for the rest of us Kellin, please?" Vivian asked. I nodded before going to the living room and sitting down on the couch until Vic walked in and sat down. That was when I sat on his lap and hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"Really Kellin?" Vic asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, and I'm not moving."

"Okay." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. I heard people walking in and felt the couch shift meaning that someone else sat down.

"Okay, since we are all in here now, I got you guys something, and I want you guys to open them now." I heard Vivian say. I pulled my face away from Vic's neck and looked at her. "Okay, I'm just going to hand these out, and I want you all to open them at the same time."

Vivian then handed me, Tony, Mike, and Vic a present and I moved off of Vic's lap so that he could open his. We all just sat there not doing anything for a little bit until I decided to do something. I had started to rip open the present. When I had finished ripping it all off, I put the wrapping next to me. It was a box.

"You can rip the box if you want, I won't use them again." Vivian said. I then carefully but quickly ripped the box. What was inside was pajama's, and they looked super comfy.

"Thank you Vivian." I said with a smile.

"You're welcome Kellin, I figured you'd like those."

"I don't like them, I love them, I mean, who doesn't love Eeyore?"

"I don't like them, I love them, I mean, who doesn't love Eeyore?"

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"OH MY GOD, ITS TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE PAJAMA'S!!!!!!!!" Tony yelled. He jumped up and ran out of the room and came back a few minutes later wearing the pj's. "Thank you so much Vivian."

"Thanks mom

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"Thanks mom." Vic and Mike said at the same time.

"You're all welcome, now the rest of you go get them on so I can take a picture." Me, Vic, and Mike all got up and left the room so that we can change into our pj's. I quickly changed into mine and then walked back to the living room and stood next to Tony. Mike and Vic walked in shortly after and they came over to me and Tony.

"You look so cute in those Kellin." Vic said as he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thank you Vic, you look good in yours too." He just smiled and kissed my nose.

"That was so fucking cute." I heard three different people say. I blushed and hid my face in Vic's chest. (A~N Yes Kellin is shorter than Vic in this so shush).

"Thanks guys, mom, are you done taking pictures?"

"Yeah, sorry, you guys can go to bed now." I was going to pull away from Vic and walk up the stairs to his room, but that didn't happen. Instead, Vic had decided to pick me up and carry me there.

"Vic, you know I can walk right?" I asked once we got to his room.

"Yeah, I know, but I like carrying you." He said as he dropped me on his bed before collapsing next to me face first into the pillows.

"Why?" I asked with a frown on my face. Vic turned and looked at me.

"Because you're beautiful."

"No I'm not Vic."

"Yes you are Kellin, now please stop saying that." I sighed and looked down at my hands. "Lets get some sleep okay?" I nodded before laying down next to Vic and cuddling into him as he wrapped his arm around me. I fell asleep shortly after Vic had kissed my forehead.

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