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~~Kellin's POV~~

I was shocked at what Vic told me. I honestly didn't think he would tell me anything at all, and I just sat there looking at him, he looked scared.

"Vic, you don't have to be strong for me, I just want you to be there for me. You've never done anything wrong, you protecting me proves that. I honestly don't care that you self-harmed, but I do want you to stop. You need to let out what you've been holding in, it's okay that you cry yourself to sleep.

"I always fell like I'm not good enough for you, that you deserve better than me. I never want to lose you Vic, so just stay with me, and I would do the same for you." Vic didn't say anything, he just tackled me into a hug and cried into my shoulder.

"Th-thank you K-Kellin-n." He said slowly calming down.

"Of course Vic, by the way, you aren't the only one that self-harmed." He sniffled as he pulled away from me.

"I-I know, Tony kind of told me yesterday."

"Tony only told you what he knew, he didn't know that I've been self-harming since a little after my dad started to abuse me.

"Wait, do you still self harm?" I didn't say anything, nor did I look at him. "Kellin?"

"...Yes..." I said barely above a whisper.

"Kellin......You....You are way too beautiful for anything, but your scars are not scars, they are battle wounds. They show that you were and are still fighting the war that's going on in your life, but I know that you can over come it, I believe in you Kellin, but you also need to believe in yourself."

"I don't think I'm ever going to win my war." I said sadly.

"You have to at least try for me okay?"

"I'll try Vic, as long as you do as well." Vic nodded.

"I will, I've actually already been trying because I have someone to live for now."

"Y-you do? Who?"

"You Kellin, you're the reason I've been trying already." I just smiled and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and we just sat there for who knows how long before I pulled away.

"I need to pee."

"Way to ruin the moment Kellin, but I'll get out." Vic said standing up.

"Sorry, and thanks." I said as he helped me up.

"No problem, I'll just be in my room by the way." He said before he left the bathroom and closed the door. I did my business then washed my hands before going back to Vic's room. I walked in and saw that Vic was laying flat on his stomach with his face in the pillows.

"Vic, what are you doing?"

"Hating myself for breaking my promise to Mike."

"He might understand if you tell him what I called you."

"Yeah, maybe." He said as he turned and laid on his back. I went over to the bed and laid down next to Vic, and cuddled into him as he wrapped his arm around me. "This is very relaxing."

"Agreed, now shush, I'd prefer it quiet."

"Okay." Vic said before it was completely quiet. It was very relaxing just laying there in each others arms. I actually had my head rested on Vic's chest so I was able to listen to his heart beat which was even more relaxing. It was quiet until we heard a door slam and someone yelling.

"Tony, why the fuck would you do that?!" Vic immediately got up, letting me go, and ran downstairs. I had followed him. "I was fucking standing right next to you, don't you fucking lie to me!"

"Mike, I-I di-didn't do any-anything, I swear." Tony said as tears streamed down his face.

"Mike, calm down, you're going to hurt someone if you don't." Vic said calmly. How he was staying calm, I have no idea, I was honestly terrified of Mike right now. I went over to Tony and helped him calm down.

"Shut it Vic." Mike said angrily.

"No, remember the last time you got mad at a boyfriend, you hurt him, and you also hurt me."

"I said to shut it Vic."

"You promised that you weren't going to hurt anyone this time, and look at To-" Vic didn't finish his sentence because of Mike pushing him against the wall with his hands around Vic's throat. "M-Mike, le-et g-g-go."

Vic had gripped Mike's wrist and tried to push his hands away. Vic looked absolutely scared right now. He was becoming weaker and weaker, and now I was absolutely terrified that I might lose him.

"I-I-I c-cu-cut..." Vic said as his eyes started to close. Mike gasped and immediately let go of Vic's throat. Vic would have fallen to the ground if it wasn't for me. He was taking deep breaths and coughing as he tried to get air back to his lungs.

"Y-you...YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE!!!!!!!" Mike yelled at Vic.

"It wasn't his fault that he did, it was mine, and he just scratched at his wrist for a while." I said.

"What did you do?" Mike asked me angrily.

"I-I.......I called him Victor, I didn't know that that was your father's name, and I regret calling Vic by his full first name."

"Oh......you didn't know, so I guess it's okay." Mike said calmly. He then looked at Vic and looked sad. "I am so so sorry Vic, I should have listened to you when you said to calm down, but I didn't, I am so fucking sorry."

"Mike, it's okay, I was just glad that it was me that got hurt instead of Tony." Vic said.

"Then why was Tony crying?" I asked.

"I was scared." Tony said.

"Oh, okay." We all just stood there in complete silence for who knows how long before we all just went to different rooms. Vic and I just went back up to his room and continued cuddling like we were before Mike and Tony showed up.

"Did Mike scare you?" Vic asked me after a while.

"Yeah, it surprised me that you were able to stay calm up until the point were he started to choke you."

"Surprised me too, to be honest. I'm just glad I'm still alive to see your beautiful face." I blushed.

"Can we just go back to cuddling in silence?"

"Silence? Your head is rested on my chest, you don't have silence, you have my heart beat."

"I know that, but I meant without anybody talking."

"Sure." Vic said quietly before everything went dead silent except for the fact that I was listening to his heart beat. This is what I want in my life, just the two of us laying like this in comfortable silence because it was super relaxing, and I wouldn't want to change anything about this...ever.

Hold On Til May ~Kellic~Where stories live. Discover now