~~20~~Part one~~

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~~Mike's POV~~

It was a few days after Christmas, and I was still thinking about what type of promise ring I should get for Tony. Right now me, Tony, Vic, and Kellin were all just playing video games in the front room. I had to ask Vic where he got his and Kellin's promise rings cause they were so cute. I wasn't going to get one for me though, just one for Tony, reason being that I never wear rings.

"Hey Vic, can I talk to you a sec?" I asked.

"Yeah, we'll be right back." Vic said as he stood up and left the room. I followed behind him, and almost immediately after we had left the room did I ask him.

"Where did you ring those promise rings?"

"Online, why?"

"I'm thinking about getting Tony one."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to get myself a key ring, so you just found them online?"

"Yeah, and just FYI, make sure that both the ring and the key ring have something similar about them, okay?"

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, and by the way, don't let Tony find out, or it'll ruin the surprise." I nodded and we both walked back to the living room so that we could play more video games with Kellin and Tony.

Later that day, when Tony was taking a nap, I decided to go out and look for a promise ring/key ring. I know Vic said he got his online, but I want to see if I can find one at store. As I was walking I saw someone that I hadn't seen in awhile, so I decided to go up to said person and talk to them.

"Rian..." I said. He turned towards me and all I saw was fear in his eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise, I just want to talk."

"What on earth would you like to talk about after what you did to me?" He asked, his voice was mixed with anger and sadness.

"I wanted to say that I was sorry for hurting you. After I had hurt you and Vic, I went and got help. I'm doing a lot better now........but I know it doesn't change what I did, and I'm really really really sorry for hurting you. I almost did the same thing with my new boyfriend."

"Its good that you went and got some help after what you did, but I won't forgive you...not yet anyway. And why'd you say almost did the same thing to your new boyfriend?"

"I almost hurt him a little over a month and a half ago because of something kind of stupid.......I had ended up choking Vic because of it."

"Holy shit, what did he do? Your boyfriend, not Vic."

"I thought he was checking out some dude, when in reality he was just looking at two of our friends kissing."


"Yeah, what about you, how are you doing, do you have someone new?"

"Oh...um...I'm good, and no, I've had my eye on this one guy though."

"That's good, I wish you luck."


"You're welcome."

"Anyway, I got to go."

"Where you going?"

"To hang out with the guy I like."

"As in a date or just as friends?"

"Just as friends sadly."

"I'm sorry, I wish you lots of luck."

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