~~Nine~~Part One~~

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~~Kellin's POV~~

After I had walked into the house after Vic had kissed my cheek, I had a smile on my face, one that I couldn't get rid of.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick, where the hell have you been?!" I heard Tony yell as he walked towards where I was. He stopped when he was a few feet away from me. "And what's with the smile?"

"Umm..." I said as I reached my hand up to touch where Vic had kissed my cheek. My smile grew brighter when I thought of it.

"Were you with Vic?"


"That explains where you were, but what's with the smile?"

"V-Vic kissed my cheek..." I said smiling but also looking down while blushing.

"Awe, wait...are you and Vic dating?"

"Yeah, i-is that a bad thing?"

"Nope, I was just wondering when it was going to happen. Mike and his mom were too."


"Yep, but you two are super cute together, cuter than me and Mike are."

"That's not true Tony, and you know it."

"I don't know that that's not not true because it totally is very true, ask anyone at school, I mean, Mike and I have."


"Kellin, please just accept it, for Vic's sake."

"Fine, but only because I am really happy right now."

"Good, you hungry?"

"Vic took me out."

"Okay, just asking."

"Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower and then go to bed."

"Okay, and I'll finish eating before going to bed." I nodded before going upstairs and taking a quick shower because I don't really like going to bed with my hair wet. When I was done, I got dressed and went to my room after telling Tony goodnight.

~~Dream World~~

I was running away again, and this time, I was hoping it would work, but it didn't, it never did. I heard my dad yelling my name. I was almost there, almost to Tony's house, but I didn't make it...I never do.

"You piece of shit, have you not learned your lesson about running away!?" I choked on a sob because I knew what was going to happen...or so I thought. "Lets change your punishment tonight shall we?" He asked as he began to drag me back to the house that I was desperately trying to get away from.

I was very confused because he normally takes me behind some bushes, gags me, rapes me, then beats me. When we got home, he dragged me to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, then dragged me upstairs to his and my moms room. What he did next was something that I never saw coming...

He stabbed my mom...

I wanted to scream out, but I was to in shock that I couldn't. He then dragged me to my sister's room and stabbed her as well. This time though he left the knife right where he had stabbed her. He had killed the only two people in my family that actually cared about me.

"W-why...?" I asked as my voice broke. I had begun to make my way toward my sister to get to the knife.

"Oh sweet, sweet Kellin, don't think that I didn't know that you were telling them everything, why do you think me and your mother always fought?"

Hold On Til May ~Kellic~Where stories live. Discover now