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~~Still Tony's POV~~

It was a few days later that I was able to leave the hospital. Mike was super happy because he wasn't going to feel alone while walking through the school anymore. I still felt bad for what I did, but Mike kept reminding me that it was okay and that he wasn't mad about what I did, he just wants me to tell him the next time I felt like cutting....I was okay with that because I knew that he'd be there for me, and I really needed that. Right now though, we were at the house doing absolutely nothing.


"Tony, if you say that you're sorry one more time, I will tickle you."

"Nooo." I whined as I wrapped my arms around myself and held my sides.

"Then stop saying that you're sorry, I know you are, and its getting kind of annoying with you constantly saying it."

"Sorry..." I said sadly as I looked at the ground.

"No, don't do that, don't look at the ground please, I'm sorry."

"Mike, if I annoy you, why are you still with me?"

"I've told you before haven't I?"

"Told me what?" I asked looking at him.

"I love you way to much to ever let you go."


"But nothing Tony, I promised that I would stay with you and never leave you didn't I?"

"Yeah but..."

"Tony, I'm not going to leave, even if you annoy me a lot."


"Really." Mike said with a smile. I smiled back and opened my arms for him to hug me. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and picked me up making me grab onto his shoulders. Mike just chuckled at my reaction.

"That was mean." I said with a pout.

"I'm sorry baby, you are just way to cute to not pick up." I blushed as I hid my face in his shoulder. "See, cute."

"Mikey stop." I whined.


"I find it super adorable that Mike is doing that honestly, you lucky little shit." I heard Kellin say. I then heard a squeak and I looked at who had made the sound. It was Kellin. Vic had decided to pick Kellin up. "Vic, put me down."

"No, I don't wanna." Vic said.

"Please, that way you can pick me up so that you can see my face instead."

"I'm going to kiss you if I do that, and you said that I don't get kisses today because I didn't get up this morning."

"Are you actually going to go through with that Kellin?" I asked.

"Yep, and there is nothing he can do to change my mind."

"Wow Mike, I never thought that Vic would actually lose the privilege to kiss Kellin." I said looking at Mike.

"Same honsetly because Vic is almost always kissing Kellin." Mike said.

"Guys I'm standing right here, please stop." Vic said. "Mike, you should know how much I hate when people do that."

"Sorry..." Mike said looking at Vic. Vic had put Kellin down after Mike said this.

"Its okay, just please stop." Mike nodded before he looked back at me and kissed me. I smiled as I kissed him back. "Please let me kiss you Kellin." I heard Vic whine.

"No, I told you that if you weren't up by the time I came back from the bathroom that you weren't going to get kisses all day, and were you up, no, no you were not." I pulled away from Mike and looked at Vic and Kellin.


"No buts, you weren't up so you don't get kisses."


"Give him at least one kiss today Kellin, you normally give him a kiss in the mornings anyway, and I know how Vic is.....if anyone denies him anything that he's used to getting, he'd sit himself in his room." Mike said. Kellin sighed and looked at Vic. Vic looked so hopeful, but also really sad.

"Fine, one kiss but that's it for the rest of the day, got it?" Vic nodded before he grabbed Kellin's face in his hands and kissed him. Kellin had wrapped his arms around Vic's neck and held him there for a minute before pushing Vic away a little. "There, you got your kiss for the day, and don't try to convince me to give you more."

"It's like you guys are fighting." I said with a chuckle.

"Thanks Tony, you are so nice." Vic said.

"Is that sarcasm I smell?"

"No, not at all."

"Fuck you Vic."

"I'm taken, sorry."

"That's not what I meant."

"Are you sure, you sounded pretty serious."

"Yes I'm sure, dumb ass."

"Tony..." Mike said angrily. That was when I realized what I said. Mike put me down and I looked at Vic.

"Vic, I..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Vic had ran out of the room. I then heard a door slam shut. I felt absolutely terrible now. "I-I wasn't th-thinking, I-I me-meant it i-in a-a f-fr-friendly way..."

"Tony, go say sorry to him, and tell him what you told us." I nodded before running up the stairs and to Vic's room. I knock and get no answer.

"V-Vic, please open the door, I-I wasn't th-thinking, and I me-meant what I s-said in a-a fr-friendly way.........I'm sorry." I said resting my forehead against the door. I didn't get anything in response, but I did hear crying. "Vic...?"

"L-leave m-m-me al-one T-Tony."

"Vic, please let me in, I'm really sorry."


"Vic..." No response "Vic." Still nothing. "Shit." I said as I opened the door. When I opened the door, I saw something that Mike and Kellin were going to hate. I gasped at what I saw.

Vic had cut, and he didn't tell anyone.

"Mike! Kellin! Come here, NOW!" I yelled as I ran over to Vic. "Vic, Mike is going to be so disappointed."

"I-I know...." Vic said sadly.

"Vic..." It was Mike, he sounded heart broken.

"Oh my god...Vic..." That was Kellin, he also sounded heartbroken.

"If you guys would help me, you guys can hug him a lot sooner." I said as I put pressure in Vic's wrist with a towel.

"Right, sorry, I'll go get the first aid kit." Kellin said as he left the room. He came back shortly after and came over to where Vic and I were.

"I-I'm Sorry K-Kellin." Vic said as Kellin began to help clean his wrists.

"Didn't Mike tell you that when you feel like this, you need to tell him....or me?"

"Yeah, but.....


"I didn't want any of you guys to think I was weak."

"You aren't Vic, you never were." Vic just smiled at that. Kellin and I quickly finished cleaning up Vic's wrists and right after, Kellin hugged Vic tightly. "Please please please tell one of us when ever you feel like doing this, it hurt to see you with fresh cuts when I walked in."

"I'm sorry Kells."

"Its okay, I love you."

"I love you too."

"Vic...." It was Mike. Vic looked up at Mike and his smile turned to a frown.

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