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~~Vic's POV~~Christmas Day~~

I woke up with Kellin laying on top of me making me unable to move. I sighed and just began rubbing his back with both of my hands. He didn't do anything considering he was asleep, but I was okay with that. After a while I just began to play with his hair, it had a lot of knots in it, but that's why I was playing with it.

"Vic, you know that just makes me more sleepy right?" I heard Kellin say tiredly.

"I do now, but get up, its Christmas."

"But I don't wanna."

"You either get up now , or I'm going to push you off of me."

"No." Kellin said as he gripped my shirt tightly.

"Please Kellin."



"Cause I'm comfortable."

"But its Christmas."

"Fine, I'll get up." Kellin said as he rolled off of me and sat up. I sat up as well and looked at him.

"You look cute when you're angry at me."

"Fuck off."

"Fine then, but you won't get kisses once I leave the room." I said as I stood up and began walking to the door.

"Wait, no." I heard Kellin say as he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. "Don't threaten me with no kisses."

"Payback from when you said it to me, but let's go open presents okay?" He nodded and we left the room together as we held hands. We walked into the kitchen and got food with everyone else before we all walked into the living room so that we can start opening presents.

It took us about 30 minutes to finish opening all the gifts because there wasn't that many. We were all happy with what my mom had gotten for us. I had also gotten Kellin something and I had told him to open it in front of everyone, which is what he was doing right now. I was nervous for some reason, I knew that Kellin would like the gift. It was probably just the nerves from him finally opening it.

"Oh my god, Vic, its beautiful." Kellin said as he pulled out the promise ring.

"I'm glad you like it cause I have one kind of like it." I said as I pulled mine out of my pocket to show Kellin.

"Those are so cute." I heard my mom say.

"They really are Vic, where'd you find them?" Mike asked

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"They really are Vic, where'd you find them?" Mike asked.

"At a store Mike, go out and find a store just like I had to." I said as I took my ring back from Kellin and put it on. I took his ring from him and looked him straight in the eye. "I promise to never do anything that you aren't comfortable with and to never leave you alone. I will never break this promise Kellin, you don't deserve to ever get hurt."

"Th-thank you Vic." I smiled as I put the ring on his finger.

"Remember this is just a promise ring, and remember the promise that I have made to you okay." He nodded as he tightly wrapped his arms around me and hugged me as he cried into my shirt. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"No one has ever done anything like that for him, not even me, so this must be special for him." Tony said. I nodded and played with Kellin's hair because I knew that it helped him calm down whenever he was crying. When he was calm, he pulled away from me, grabbed my face, and kissed me.

I was going to kiss back, but we had ended up falling to the floor because of the weird position I was sitting in. Kellin was on top of me. We both ended up laughing because of it, and so did Mike, Tony, and my mom. Kellin and I stopped laughing and just looked each other in the eye. We both smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. This time I was able to kiss back because I knew we weren't going to fall again because I was already laying on the floor. Kellin pulled away slowly and looked me in the eye once again.

"Thank you so fucking much Vic, I love it, I love you." My eyes widen at what Kellin just said, and so did his. He was about to say something else, but I put my hand up to his mouth so that he couldn't speak, but I could.

"I love you too Kellin." Kellin sighed as he relaxed. I moved my hand away from his mouth so that he could speak.

"Thank god, I though I had fucked something up."

"You could never do that Kellin."

"You don't know that Vic, I could somehow fuck something up like I always do."

"You do not always fuck something up, but let's stop talking about in because it is Christmas." He nodded with a smile before he got off of me.

For the rest of the day, we all just played board games, which was a lot of fun, and we also pigged out on candy, which probably wasn't the smartest idea, but oh well. Me and Kellin eventually went up to my room and fell asleep cuddled together. Today was a good day.



I know that this chapter is up later than what you guys probably wanted it, but at least its up.

I am suppose to be asleep right now, but I knew that I had to finish this chapter and publish it just before midnight, and I did it.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and expect more by the end of 2016.

See you guys in the next chapter.


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