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~~Jaime's POV~~

After school we all met up outside the main doors. Gabe said that he was going to help get proof with Justin, and I was okay with that. The three of us all walked to my house and walked in, luckily my dad wasn't home yet.

"You guys are going to have to hide in the closet, you know that right?" I asked.

"Yeah..."Gabe said.

"You also can't make any sound or my dad will be pissed."

"Okay, we get it." Justin said. I heard a car door slam and quickly told Justin and Gabe to hide. They did and they left part of the closet doors open. I didn't have a walk in closet so it worked out well for them.

"Yo faggot, I'm home, are you where you're suppose to be?" I didn't say anything, I wasn't ever aloud to speak whenever he was home. I hear him stomp up the stairs and towards my room. My door slammed open before being slammed shut again after my dad had walked in. "You are where you're suppose to be, good, makes this so much easier on me."

The next thing I know is that I'm laying on the ground. My dad kicked me over and over before grabbing me by the hair and trowing me on the bed. I looked at him with fear in my eyes.

"Now for the most fun you'll ever have." My dad said as he took his clothes off before he took mine off.

"Dad...stop...please." I said as tears sprung to my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up you freak." My dad said as he slapped me across the face. He tried to turn me over onto my stomach, but I kept fighting him. "Stop fighting me, you know it's bound to happen."

"Freeze, Mr. Preciado, you are under arrest for the abuse of your son."

"No, I will not go to jail!" My dad yelled. I turned my head and saw Justin and Gabe standing next to the officers. One of the officers had handed Justin back his phone and said thank you.

"J-Justin..."I said quietly. He looked at me before he ran over to me and pulled me into him. The officers handcuffed my dad and pulled him away from me. They took him out of the room and one officer came over to me and Justin.

"Are you okay son?" He asked. I nodded and hugged Justin closer to me. "Okay, you will never have to deal with him again, do you have anyone to stay with?" I was about to shake my head 'no' before Justin said something that surprised me.

"He can stay with me, my parents won't care if they learn the story behind it."

"Okay, well I need to go, thank you for calling us Mr. Hills and Mr. Barham." The two of them nodded before the officer left.

"Here you go Jaime." Gabe said handing me my clothes. I let go of Justin so that I could grab them.

"Th-thank y-you-u." I said taking my clothes from him. I quickly put them on and clung to Justin again.

"No problem, hey, I got to go."

"Okay, see you at school tomorrow." Justin said. Gabe left shortly after. "Lets call Vic so that he can pick us up and take us to my house, after we pack your stuff, okay?" I nodded.

"O-okay." I said and slowly pulled away from Justin. He grabbed his phone and called Vic, he had also put the phone on speaker so that I can hear it.

"Hello?" Vic asked.

"Hey Vic, it's Justin and Jaime."

"Oh..Hi, is his dad going to jail?"


"Okay, good, anyway, what's up?"

"Can you come pick us up and take us to my house?"

"Umm...sure, I'll have Kellin with me though."

"That's fine, so we'll see you guys when you get here?"

"Yup, see you guys when we get there." Vic said before hanging up.

"We better start packing your stuff now okay?" Justin asked as he put his phone back in his pocket. I nodded.

"S-suit cases a-are in-n th-the cl-closet." Justin nodded before he stood up and walked over to the closet. He opened the door and pulled out all the suit cases that I had. I got up and we both quickly packed up all my stuff.

"And we are done." Justin said as he zipped up the last suit case

"Th-thanks-s f-for h-help-ping m-me J-Justin." I said as I heard the doorbell rang.

"That must be Vic and Kellin, and of course Jaime, no one should have to deal with what you went through, or have to live on the street." I smiled as we grabbed my stuff and walked downstairs and to the front door. Justin opened the door and we saw that it was Vic and Kellin.

"Hey Jaime, hey Justin." Kellin said.

"Hey, we literally just finished packing all of Jaime's stuff."

"Awesome, then we can leave right after we get everything in the car." Vic said. "That way Jaime don't have to be here any longer."

"Yep, lets get everything in the car and then leave." I nodded. We all then grabbed my stuff and took it to the car and put it into the trunk. We then got into the car and Vic drove us to Justin's. "Thanks for the ride Vic."

"No problem Justin, anything to help."

"Th-thanks Vic." I said.

"You're welcome Jaime." Me and Justin went and got all of my stuff out of the trunk and closed it before we walked away from the car. The two of us walk up to the front door and he unlocked it and let me in first. He walked me to the guest room and we put my stuff in there.

"My parents'll be here soon, so don't worry about them." I nodded. "You wanna play some video games?" Again I nodded.

For the rest of the time, the two of us just played video games until his parents got home. Justin explained why I was there and they were okay with me staying with them. We all had dinner shortly after this and I was happy to actually eat any type of food. Me and Justin had went up to his room after we had finished dinner.

"J-Justin, c-can I u-use th-the shower?" I asked.

"Yeah, just go get some clothes and I'll show you were the bathroom is." I nodded and went and got some clothes to change into after my shower and went back to Justin's room.

"W-where's th-the b-bath-room?" Justin just stood up and walked over to me, grabbed my hand and dragged me to what I'm assuming was the bathroom.

"Okay, so the bathroom is right here and you should be able to find the towels when you walk in." Justin said when we got to a door.

"Okay, th-thanks."

"No problem Jaime, and if you don't want to sleep in the guest room when you are done with your shower, you can just come to my room, okay." I nodded before Justin walked back to his room while I walked into the bathroom. I took a quick shower before getting out. I then quickly got dressed and left the bathroom. It was really late when I got out of the shower but I didn't care. I was too scared to sleep alone because of what my father had done to me, so I went straight to Justin's room. "Hey Jaime."

"H-hey, c-can I sl-sleep in h-here inst-ead of the guest room?"

"Yeah, of course." Justin said as he scooted over and let me climb under the covers with him.

"Thanks." Justin didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I cuddled into him and slowly fell asleep with a smile on my face. Reasons being that my dad was finally in jail, and I was cuddled into my crush who was holding me close to him while we slept. Who wouldn't want to smile?

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