chapter 16

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~ a few days later~

I was sitting in the middle of papers and magazines looking at different wedding stuff."Oh MY GOD" I heard the girls squeal as the ran to me. I looked up from the wedding dress magazine "what?" I asked

"They proposed," they said in unison," awe I'm happy for you girls," I said since I had the things scattered in front of me in a certain order and the pages opened and marked so I didn't want to move them.

"Thank you" they beamed then took off squealing," What is that about?" Harry asked making his way into my little circle, lifting me up and sitting down then placing me in his lap."Louis and Liam proposed"I replied.

"Awe! well good for them" he said laying his chin on my shoulder. I nodded then went back to the task at hand.

"Alright so I was thinking that for the color scheme we could do lavender and blue," I said "sounds good," he said I looked at him "are you ok?" I asked "yea.... ok no I'm not," he said. So I placed the wedding stuff down and turned so I was looking directly at him," what's wrong?"

 "I'm scared and nervous about our wedding."

"Awe baby. why didn't you tell me?"

"I know how much you're loving the whole thing. and I didn't want to ruin it" he looked down I placed my finger under his chin and tilted it up so he was looking at me.

"I wish you would have told me.I'm scared to, I feel like when the day comes and we are standing up at the altar in front of our family and friends that I won't be able to talk that I'll just stand there frozen."

"Me too"

"see you should have told me before now. I thought I was alone in fear of this"

"I'm sorry baby."

He pressed his lips to mine gently an I brought my hand up tangling my fingers in his hair as our lips moved in sync. I licked my lips then pressed them against his."I love you with every fiber of my being. An I want you to talk to me whenever something is bothering you"I told him. He nodded his head then kissed me again.

"Alright, you two lovebirds how is the wedding coming," Louis asked. We pulled apart and looked at them."It's going"I replied with a smile then looked at Harry and smiled. "We decided the color scheme is going to be lavender and blue," Harry told them.

"Awe.cute," the girls said I nodded my head. "Where are you having it?" Liam asked "not sure yet that is the part we are working on now" I replied then turned so I was looking back at the wedding stuff.

"How about that beautiful cathedral" Raven suggested "what?"Misty asked, "you know the one that was a church but an earthquake ruined it so they built it into a venue." Raven replied "oh you mean Vibiana," I said "that's the one, "Raven said "that is where I would like to marry. But it's not just up to me" I told her "well then let's get married there" Harry said.

I smiled and kissed him "you're.. amazing... and... I so ....much"I told him in between kisses. He smiled "you're incredibly beautiful" he replied.

"thank you," I said still cupping his face," welcome" he replied then kissed my shoulder. "Alright, you two take a break and let's go celebrate and double engagement," Misty said.

We made our way out of the circle of papers and other wedding things being careful not to ruin and change the pages."Let's go" we said heading for the door, we all got in the car me and Harry being upfront while the two newly engaged couples were in the back kissing and telling each other cute things.

"Where are we going to go?"Harry asked interrupting their snogging."That casual restaurant in Beverly Hills" Liam replied and the girls pulled away and looked at the guys "why there?" Misty asked "cause you two have always wanted to we are going to go"Louis replied."Awe you two are so sweet" they said then went back to snogging.

"Alright you four stop the moaning and rubbing each other's crotches or I swear the four of you will be in for a hell of a night," I said. But they didn't listen to me so I looked from the road to Harry and smiled.

"Just great afternoon rush hour" Misty whined "you wanted to come this way so now you have to deal with the rush hour," I said.  as the girls they huffed and laid back in the seat crossing their arms in a pout till the guys started kissing them. I shook my head then turned on the music loudly tuning the moaning out. Since the traffic was at a standstill I unbuckled and motioned for Harry to get out and join me.

I stood next to the car holding Harry as we danced. We didn't care what people thought or if they recorded us. The music blared and we continued to dance while people watched. It was a good twenty minutes before the traffic started to move. So we climbed back in after getting a round of applause from the other people in their cars and the ones in the other lanes.

We managed to get a seat in the pact restaurant that the girls wanted to come to. It was packed wall to wall. Not to mention the line waiting.After we ordered the four sex cats started making out while they toyed with each other under the table.

"I'm sorry about them they are out on their free day," I told the server who looked shocked at Raven and them.

He nodded and went about taking our order listening to moaning from the girls then left. I smacked the ones close to me."Ouch what is that for?" they whined. "Keep your hormones under control while we are eating I don't want to hear moaning and shit while eating. and I'm pretty sure the other customers don't want to either"I said.

The whole restaurant ordeal was horrible cause they didn't want to stop their shit and It pissed me off. Not to mention embarrassing.

"Alright you four living room now"I yelled I waited for them but they were to busy moaning to listen to me. I stormed off upstairs and busted into their rooms pulling the guys off the girls.

"Get dressed now and come downstairs.don't fucking make me come back in here"I warned then walked out and headed back downstairs.

"What the hell was that about Belle?" the guys asked "sit down and shut up. I don't fucking want to hear the four of you speak" I said glaring at them. The girls hurried and sat down while the guys took their time.

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, I wanted to scream so loud and that's just what I did making them jump.

"What-" I looked at Liam and he shut up "I don't want to hear you speak, "I said."You four did a great job. I was happy today and the four of you went an pissed me off" I started while Harry stood behind me and rubbed my arms.

"wh-"Raven started but I shot her a look that silenced her. "We were asked to go and celebrate a double engagement. which we did only for the four of you to practically fuck in front of us and the whole fucking restaurant." I continued "we're sorry," Misty said.

"I said I don't want to hear you talking. so shut the hell up"I told her.

"What crawled up your ass?" Louis asked and I started laughing "oh shit," the girls said making the guys look at them."When she does that and she is pissed it's not good" Raven replied.

"You want to know what crawled up my ass Louis.hmm?well, let me tell you what crawled up my ass. I was beyond fucking embarrassed thanks to the four of you. I can't even explain how horrible it is for me and Harry." I said taking a deep breath while Harry rubbed my back trying to relax me but he knows it won't work right now.

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