Chapter 16

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Ariana's P.O.V.

"Keep your eyes shut, don't open them"I hear Justin tell me so I obey. I continue to keep my eyes closed, both of my hands in front of my eyes.

It's Friday night and Justin is surprising me with the place for me to play a piano and my song for him.

I hear the sound of keys jingling and the sound of a door opening.

"Where the hell are we?"I ask. "You'll see in a second, just be patient"Justin tells me. I feel his hand grab mine. He begins to guide me into whatever room he just opened.

"Keep walking, just a few more steps"He tells me and we walk for a few more steps like he said.

"Stop. Wait right here and continue to keep your eyes closed"He tells me and I sigh, anxious to see where we're at already.

I sense that Justin has left my side.

I hear the sound of maybe a light switching on. A few seconds later, I feel Justin's presence behind me again. He places his hands on top of mine and over my eyes.

"On three you can open your eyes"Justin informs me and I nod.

"One...two...three!"Justin shouts and we both removes our hands from my eyes.

I gasp at the sight in front of me.

We are both currently standing in the middle of a stage, facing the school's gigantic and empty theater auditorium. The place is filled with red seats all the way up to the auditorium balconies.

"H-How did we get in here? It's ten o'clock at night, isn't this place supposed to be closed?"I ask Justin, confused.

"I have a classmate who works here. I asked him to borrow the keys"Justin shrugs.

"This place is huge"I smile at my surroundings. I haven't had the chance to visit the campus's theater auditorium until now.

"Look, there's even a lovely piano for you to play your song"Justin grabs my hand and pulls me towards the corner of the stage where a beautiful black piano sits.

I grace my fingers along the grand piano before taking a seat in front of it. I pull the top up and look down at the keys with happiness.

Justin stands over me while I test out the piano. The music plays beautifully and I smile, joy filling up my insides.

"You ready to play your song for me?"He asks me and I nod. "The stage is all yours. I'll be sitting right in the front row"He winks at me and gets down from the stage.

He takes a seat in the front row, a smile on his face, and excitement in his eyes to hear my song for him.

I mess with a few keys first to find the right tempo to go with the song before actually beginning the song.

I take a deep breath before I start singing the first few lyrics of the song.

"Oh, yeah

Don't need permission
Made my decision to test my limits
'Cause it's my business, God as my witness
Start what I finished
Don't need no hold up
Taking control of this kind of moment
I'm locked and loaded
Completely focused, my mind is open

All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God
Don't ya stop, boy"I pour every emotion and feeling into the words I sing.

"Somethin' bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
Somethin' bout, somethin' bout, somethin' bout you
Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
Somethin' bout, somethin' bout, somethin' bout"I finish the chorus and go on to the second set of verses.

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