Chapter 20

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Justin's P.O.V.

Three hundred dollars.

That's how much money I've made in total the past three days.

Yesterday I met up with the buyer that Jesse hooked me up with on Wednesday, and today I met up with two more buyers.

Now I have enough money to buy me and Ariana theme park tickets for our visit in Florida next week.

I can't wait to see her reaction tonight when I tell her the good news. I plan to take her out to dinner and surprise her.

"Justin! Wait up!"I hear someone calling my name as I walk to my car.

I turn around and watch as Angela comes jogging towards me. I roll my eyes and sigh at the sight of her, not really in the mood for whatever she has to say to me right now.

I try to ignore her and walk faster to my car but she catches up to me.

"Hey, didn't you hear me shouting your name?"She asks, out of breath from running.

"What do you want? I really don't have time to talk, I'm running late to my next class"I tell her.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. The last time we as each other, we didn't really leave things on a good note"She says.

"Your the reason why we didn't leave things on a good note. Did you forget about what you did?"I ask her.

"No"She mumbles and looks down at the ground.

"I thought we had a connection that night. I thought maybe you had liked me more than just a friend. That's the only reason I kissed you"She says.

"I have a girlfriend. What in your right mind, ever made you think that I liked you a little more than just a friend?"I ask her, slowly getting upset.

"I don't know, your just a really sweet guy and I thought maybe you had feelings for me. Maybe your not getting the love that you want in your relationship with Ariana. That's the only reason I could think of on why you wanted to hang out with me so much"She says.

"Well you thought wrong. I love Ariana, I would never cheat on her. The only reason I wanted to hang out with you so much is because we were just friends"I tell her.

"So we're not friends anymore?"She asks me. "What do you think? We will never be friends again, not after the stunt you pulled"I say.

"Look, I'm really sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to make you so upset. Please forgive me, I really miss hanging out with you"She begs and pops out her lower lip like a child.

"I appreciate your apology but we can't be friends. I promised Ariana that I would never see you again"I tell her.

"You deserve a lot better than Ariana"She says. "Your better?"I laugh bitterly.

"You will never be as great of a girlfriend as Ariana is so get that in that thing inside your head you call a brain. Don't try talking to me or approaching me ever again okay? Go talk to someone who actually cares about what you have to say cause I fucking don't"I tell her and spin on my heel to quickly walk away.

I know I was a bit harsh but I don't care. Angela can't just talk about my girlfriend and get away with it. I refuse to let anyone talk badly about Ariana.

I continue walking to my car and get inside. I start the car and head towards my last class for the day, hoping it will distract me from my run in with Angela.

It's eight o'clock when me and Ariana walk hand in hand into a crowded Chinese restaurant.

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