Chapter 40

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Ariana's P.O.V.

"Me and Ariana are gonna go out. We should be back home later tonight"Justin tells his mom as we head for the door.

It's Christmas eve and Justin has planned something special for me. He won't tell me where he's taking me, wanting it to be a surprise like always.

"Okay, you two have fun"She waves goodbye as we leave the house.

We get into Pattie's car, borrowing it for the day since we don't have a car of our own, it being back in Palo Alto.

"Does everything have to be a surprise with you? Can't you tell me where we're going?"I beg him, hating the feeling of not knowing where we're going.

"Yes, I like surprising you"He answers. "Well I don't like being surprised"I say and fold my arms in front of my chest, making him chuckle.

"Just be patient baby, you'll see where I'm taking you once we get there"He says and pulls one of my arms from my chest so he can entwine our fingers together. He brings the back of my hand up to his lips to place a soft kiss on my skin.

He continues to hold my hand the entire drive, keeping only one hand on the wheel.

Ten minutes later, Justin turns into a familiar neighborhood. It takes me a few seconds to realize where we're going.

"Justin..."I trail off, not sure if going here is such a good idea.

He pulls up in front of two houses.
Both houses are the homes we lived most of our lives.

"Come on"Justin urges me to get out of the car. I unstrap my seatbelt and step out of the vehicle. I shut the door behind me and grab Justin's hand again as we stand in front of the two houses.

"First stop, the places we met and grew up in together"Justin says as we stare at our first homes. I stare at my old house while Justin stares at his.
Both places are occupied by new residents.

"We made a lot of memories here"I say and continue staring at my old home, not able to take my eyes away from it. Thoughts of my parents begin to swirl in my head again but I push them away, not wanting to think about them being dead again.

"I know, my favorite memory would have to be when we were a lot older though"He says. "What memory?"I ask and turn to look at him.

"The memory of when we had our first kiss. It was right after we had come from the lake and I had discovered that you cut yourself"He says.

"That was the time when we realized we had feelings for each other and that their was no way we could continue being friends without finding out if we could truly work in a relationship"I say, remembering the memory well. The feeling I felt when his lips touched mine the first time is indescribable.

We stay there for a few minutes, continuing to stare at our old homes before we leave.

"Where to next?"I ask him. "Like I've said a million times, your gonna have to wait and see"He says and I roll my eyes.

We soon pull up to a small restaurant.

"Second stop, Johnny Rockets"He says while we both get out of the car. "The place we had our first date"I say.

We both walk into the uncrowded restaraunt. Justin pulls me to the exact booth we sat at the night of our date.

A waiter comes up to our table to take up our orders.

"We'll have to two rocket doubles and two Oreo milkshakes"Justin tells the waiter, ordering the same thing we got the last time. When the waiter walks away, I look at him with a shocked look.

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