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I had made it to the part of the island I doubt Pan will go. I went to old fairy territory. I just I guess I need space until I figure whatever this is. I was walking around the territory when I saw a fire. It was a simple campfire. I walked up and looked for the person who started it.

"Hello Bella. Missed me?"

I spun around to come face to face with Neal aka Balefire. No that can't be right I killed him.

"Your dead."

I hissed through bared teeth. There is no way possible he can be alive. I shot him the blood it should have traveled to his heart within thirty minutes. It must be a trick of my mind.

"That's where your wrong dearie."

I whirled around to come face to face with the dark one. Gosh why am I running into everyone tonight?! My life was perfectly fine when I was all alone.

"The dark one of course but I thought you didn't care about family."

I won't let them get control over me. I got my dagger from my belt carefully. Didn't want them thinking I was a threat. I was a threat. They just didn't need to know that.

"Well that's where your wrong. Now my question why aren't you with lover boy? Did you finally find out the truth about your so called friends."

Ok why does EVERYONE want to know about Peter?!

"I left him that's why. he killed my only friends on this whole island!"

Rumple chuckled darkly. Wait what? I don't understand. Could this be all his plan. Could he be messing with my mind AGAIN! See this is the problem with magic. Purple smoke circled around Rumple soon he stood there as PAN!

"Hello love."

I stumbled back not believeing my eyes. Soon the smoke came back and he was standing there back to his normal self. Almost everything made sense now. Wait did he kill them or did Pan?

"Don't you see Bella dear I killed them. This is what you get for your parents not paying me. I will not give up until both you and pan suffer so much that you die."

I turned and ran. I ran like never before. I used my magic to change into a cheetah and took off. Fastest animal in the world better be fast enough to get me out of here. I don't know where I was heading but I had a place in mind. I could go to skull rock and stay there protected or I could go to peter. I want to go to Peter but I just I don't know.

Lost but now Found(ouat peter pan book 2)Where stories live. Discover now