Meeting the sister i never knew he had.

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After I woke up that morning I sort of just layed there. Peter was already gone but I mean getting up is just so much effort. I got up after a while and got some clothes. A pair of black jeans and a red tank top and black jacket. The jacket was built in with fur. You never know must be prepared for any weather. I had a black belt with a holder for the dagger. I need more weapons. Hmmm I wonder. I pictured a small gun and poof there it was. Ok now I just need a ax and some more daggers and maybe a bow and arrows. Just thinking of what I needed it all just showed up. Wow. I put the gun and ax and daggers on my belt. I took the arrows and bow and put them on my back. Ok now I'm ready. I walked out of the cabin. I am ready to kick some butt. I looked for Peter and there he was on the other side of the camp fire eating some bread. I walked over and sat down.

"Well aren't you ready to fight? Want some food before you head into battle?"

I smiled and took some of the bread he gave me. I started eating and figured out it was bannanna bread. I ate the bread and just sat there. Gosh how slow can he possibly be.

"Ok so I see you have enough weapons and then I have magic and skill and so today we are finding zora and then into the tunnels."

I laughed gosh he doesn't have that much skill. Plus who says hes not going in without a weapon. I pulled out a dagger that was different from all mine. It was green. That's it. The only thing that made it different was the color.

"Here seeing as you don't have enough skill to keep you unharmed except if theres arrows flying at you then you could just catch it."

He nodded his head and stood up walking over to felix. They talked for awhile before peter headed over here.

"Ok Felix is going to watch the camp till we are back. So lets go find my sister."

I nodded my head and then off we went into the jungle. If I remember correctly I think he told me she lives on the far side of the island in a cave. I think it wasn't that far from where I used to live. We walked.......................and walked...............................and walked some more. Until finally hallujeha praise whoever, we found the cave. It was well it was a rock with a door on the front. The door seemed to be made of old ship parts. Peter walked up and knocked on the door. So polite its weird I mean normally he would just barg in. We stood there for a while, I kept my distance cause well she didn't want to meet me so why not stay away. When the door FINNALY opened a girl with blonde hair and bright green eyes stepped out. She was wearing I guess what you could call the traditional pirate outfit. Just a baggy white shirt and black pants with one of those red scarf things tied around her waist like a belt that kept her two swords in place. One on each side. She smiled and ran forward to give peter a hug. Did I metion she doesn't look older than us. Probably maybe a year or ya about a year older. She looked up and her eyes landed on me. Her eyes defiantly remind me of a cat which makes sense. Its probably how bright they are.

"Peter whos this?"

Peter walked towards me and smiled.

"This is my girlfriend Airabella but she goes by Bella. And Bella this is Emma but most people call her cat."

I smiled. I was going to be polite cause well shes the only one who could save my friend at the moment. So basically life and death situation. If she likes me then we will hopefully get to Cass in time, but if she doesn't well lets not think about that.

"Hello Bella its nice to meet you know what do you to want. Peter seeing as your girlfriend is dressed for battle I am guessing its something dangerous."

Gosh do I really have that much weapons? Well its better to be overly prepared than to get beaten and have one or no weapons.

"Cat our dad hes back but there something wrong. Bella's mom is to but they are both burnt to a crisp and down right evil. We have two days now to find Bellas friend and to get rid of both of them but theres a problem. They are in a network of caves below never land. Both of us cant read maps at all or barely at all so we need your help. We already know where Cass is not we just have to get there."

Peter handed the map to Cat and she took the map from peters out stretched hand. She stared at it for a good while.

"Peter this is easy. Let me grab something and we will be off."

Peter nodded his head and turned to me. I could see him talking but I couldn't hear anything. I heard a slight ringing which soon turned into a voice. It was

.... no it can't be. How can my dead mother be in my head talking to me?

'Well daughter nothing is as it seems.'

Things just got weird. And creepy.

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