Over and Over and well over again

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  The curly one rushed forward and grabbed Cass into a hug. He was now crying which is totally manly. But seriously its weird to see any boy cry or feel anything. The lost boys werent the ones to have feelings. Peter and Felix had feelings but they were still leaders so must of the time they didnt show it. I dont know why theres no shame in showing how you feel. 

" Oh god i finnaly found you. I cant believe it oh god." 

The boys seem to understand what he was talking about but me and Cass had no clue. Cass was hugging back but it was light and not meaningful only to comfort the crying person. 

"Ash are you sure thats her? I mean it could be just a common last name or something."

Fire head boy person questioned Ash who just mumbled a yes and continued holding Cass in his death hug. Cass's common sense kicked in and she got out of the death hug. She backed away from the emoitional boy and slowly made it to my side. We both looked quizzically at them and i started pulling theories. Okay so cass may or may not be ash 's missing sister. The other theory is that he is crazy and planning to kill us, but that one is highly unlikely. The first theory was more solid i guess. I think Cass natural color is a dirty blonde and it was slightly wazy curly straight i guess. 

"Cassidy listen to me. Okay Im your brother you need to trust me. Mum and dad should never have given you away but they had no choice. Their was this lady and she threatened us and we had to do what she said. We tried looking for you but it was like you dissapeared like you never were really here. Nobody else remebered you soon mum forgot and then step dad forgot. Once i found out i was a child of apollo i tried to get him to help in the search. We tried we really did but it was if you never existed."

Cass looked conflicted but then pissed. She was steaming mad   i have never seen her this mad. I could just picture the smoke billowing out of her ears.

"I believe you. Who was this lady though? Who wanted me to be forgotten?"

Cass was struggling to stay calm and she managed well. Ash pulled out his phone and typed something in quickly. He searched through it until he stopped im guessing he found what he was looking for.

"Thats her. Mum and your dad took the picture before letting her take you. They wanted something of you but now they dont even know who that is. I kept it though."

Displayed on Ash's phone screen was a picture of baby Cass being held by none other then the Evil Queen aka Regina Mills.

"Im going to kill her."

I nodded my head in agreement at Cassidy. Watch out Regina you have two stroms heading your way.

Lost but now Found(ouat peter pan book 2)Where stories live. Discover now