To burn or Not to Burn

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I was tired and well extremly scared. I mean if my mom can do that to me and she should be dead then what else can she do? We were currently walking towards a dark cave that has what looks like giant teeth coming out of ground. Of course this would be the entrance. A scary entrance for scary looking people.

"Love what are you thinking?"

Ok I really need to watch where I'm going. Pay attetion Bella Pay attetion. I walked right into a giant rock. Ouch.

"Psssssssshhhhh I'm ok."

He did that eyebrow thing and just shook his head and continued walking. I'm normal. I followed closely behind watching out for attack rocks and anything else that can hurt me.

"Ok guys we are in the north entrance to the tunnels which is the closets possible entry now if we walk all night and take a short break when we are three turns from the blue dot. We need a plan of attack."

Well let's see do they have any weaknesses? Fire killed them the first time so maybe fire will kill them again?

"Would fire hurt them I mean it killed them the first time so why not?"

Peter and Zora looked at me quizzically. What just because it's complicated how they are alive doesn't mean it's complicated to kill them.

"I guess it could be that easy."

Peter with his Britishness commented. He sounded severly confused. Oh well it's not my fault he doesn't keep a open mind. We continued on walking and I kept my mind focused for the most part anyway. What you try to focus when at any moment your head might feel like flames are eating it.

"Love were here get some rest."

I wasn't really tired but I needed to be ready to fight. I layed down right there. Zora was taking the first watch so Peter was laying with me. He was such a comfy pillow.

"I'll wake you up in a couple hours."

That was the last thing I heard before I was off to dream land.


"Bella....Bella love please wake up."

I opened my eyes to see the glittering green ones of peter.

"Is it my turn to keep watch?"

I was still tired but the thought of what was to happen today woke me up.

"No love it's time to attack."

I was shocked but ready to get my friend back. I stood up and dusted the dirt off of me.

"Zora how much farther?"

She was walking back from one of the far tunnels which is weird. Why didn't she stay here? Better question what was she doing?

"Bella there's only one tunnel between us and them so not far. Get ready for a fight."

I nodded my head and made sure all my weapons where in check. Good I'm ok. I grabbed the dagger and followed Zora and Peter into the darkest cave. The same one Zora just came from. Again weird and suspicious. I could hear their voices. Sounding like whispers but harsher like there vocal cords where being rubbed against sad paper. Me and Peter where hiding behind rocks following the plan, but Zora just walked right into the open.

"Father I brought them to you. Time to seek our..........Revenge."

I looked at Peter and the same thing crossed our minds. This was all a trap.

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