New places, New faces

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Something snapped inside of me then I couldn’t hold back my powers that I thought I had control over. A wave of fire came pulsing out as I screamed with heartbreak. The snow girl disappeared along with the rest of her trophies. The room grew uncomfortably warm for any normal human so pulling all the magic from the house poofing us out. The grief struck me all at once so I had no control over where we were going. I got snapped back to reality when Cass let out a blood curdling scream as the portal dropped us somewhere. More like thousands of miles in the air. The boys stayed calm as Cass and I frantically searched for something to slow down ourselves.

“Calm down girls. Everything will be fine.”

No it won’t fire head boy can’t you see we are falling out of the sky.

“You idiot we are falling out of the sky going over to fast we are going to go splat on the ground. I very much like to stay alive.”

He rolled his eyes at my statement and let out a brief whistle. It was a strange tune I had never heard before, but I felt calm hearing music again. At the same time it only brought me heartache Peter was the only one who ever played music for me.  No stop it I need to stop thinking about him he’s in the past and I need to start looking to the future. I heard the beat of wings and turned my head. Six flying horses where coming towards us at full speed. Great I’m going to be killed by a flying horse isn’t this the best day ever? Instead of hitting us like I predicted they do instead they flew under us motioning to grab their manes.  I grabbed on and they started carrying us down the boys were in the front leading Cass tried to look brave, but I could feel the fear and anxiety flowing off of her. We aren’t big fans of heights so when we touched down I jumped off and kissed the ground.  I heard some strange whispers from unknown people who all radiated with magic.

“Welcome to Camp Half-blood!”

Some boy with dark hair and sea green eyes greeted me. Extending a hand to pull me off the ground but I shook him off. Must not show weakness around new people. I brushed off my clothes causing sparks to shoot out of my hands. Great that witch made me lose control or was it the site of my world dying. No one may ever know I don’t wish them to know either.

“Squirrel boy we can’t stay here. Cass and I are leaving we have some unfinished business to do. “

Its not like we belong anyone. I guess I spoke to soon as I felt a shiver roll down my spine. Clouds covered the sun burning white with heat. The magic in the air was almost suffocating even for me. I heard gasp of shock and squeals of excitement. Everyone I looked at caused me to panic more. They were pointing and whispering at something over my head, and I dared not to look up. I wanted to look but I stood my ground. No matter how much the curiosity was eating at me.

“You do know it won’t go away until you look right.”

I glared at flame head once again imaging what it would be like if his hair actually caught on fire. This may have resulted in a slight spark igniting in his hair. I glanced up at a glowing flame above my head. IN it danced every animal each made of flames. I smiled as a warm feeling took over each dissolving away. Their magic seeping in like a warm protective blanket.

“Everyone the flame and hope has come home. These are grave times ahead we must all be prepared. Everyone double up on classes. Boys bring the girls to the big house. We have a lot to discuss.”

Horse dude walked away. The boys had all gotten very serious which scared me for some reason. I haven’t known them long but something tells me they are never serious.

“It’s time. Another great prochephy has come and I think this one will be the death of us all. Well come on girls let’s not keep him waiting.”

We followed them closely the warm feeling hadn’t left me. Why couldn’t I have just stayed in Neverland?

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