Lost but now Found

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Hey guys this is the sequel I really hope you like it! It's all my plans! I have been writing this for a really long time so I hope you love it! Please vote! The more votes the quicker I will update! Bye bye! See you in Neverland.


Henry's family was still here and to tell you the truth I am fed up with them. Constantly roaming the forest looking for Henry believeing he's not dead. But really it's been a really long time can't they get over it already? Just except he's not coming back and go to storybrooke. After Henry died me and Peter buried him in Skull rock. We soon left there and went to camp. Though life here hasn't been all cheerful. I haven't seen Peter in days. I just been avoiding him. After we got the heart he was well different. I don't know really how to describe it but I don't live at the camp anymore. I live in a cave not far from the water. It was nice and felt like home. Whenever I need to go and hunt I used my powers to turn into a wolf and hunt only at night. Thankfully my hair is actaully a really dark black because if it was the color I dyed my hair I would have been found. I have kept my hair the same blood red. I have mastered well every weapon I could possibly think of. No I wasn't scared of Pan I just have cautions. The forest seemed different. I knew someone was looking for either me or pan to seek revenge. I needed to be ready. I haven't been eating much lately so I guess I have lost a bit of weight. Hey it's not my fault. If i hunt to much I'll draw attetion to myself which is bad. I will face Peter when I want to. It was currently night and the moon was hidden by clouds so now or never to hunt. I turned into the same wolf I always do and stalked out of my cave. My eyes soon were used to the almost complete blackness and i stalked off looking for anything. I soon caught a smell of deer. I took it down. It was really big, looked like it would feed me for days. No wonder it was a easy catch it was fat and to young to realize danger. I was almost to my cave when I heard a twig snap. I turned around dropping the deer to come face to face to Henry's family. Well techinacally face to wolf face. I snarled baring my teeth ready to pounce.

"Were is Henry?! Bella."

I looked at them in suprise. They couldn't know it was me except the fact my eyes were purple which isn't normal for a wolf I guess. I smiled and turned back into my self. My hair was dark but cast off a deep red color basically screaming I have powerful magic. I smirked and looked straight at Emma who had her sword pointed towards me.

"Emma don't you already know? He's dead! Henry is not coming back."

I smirked cause for a minute you could see in there eyes they believed me but that soon faded. Emma ran forward slamming me against a tree. Pressing the sword against my neck.

"Ok follow up question why aren't you with Pan? Also this time give me the truth where is henry?!"

I laughed. Gosh what is with them? Can't they give up. The sword didn't scare me. I was prepard. I wasn't scared of death.

"You know you don't scare me. I am not afraid to die."

This shocked Emma and she took a step back. Wrong move blondie. I raised my hand and before they knew it they were up against a tree tied there. Metal chains circled around them. Weren't going to leave anytime soon. I smirked.

"Bella you weren't always like this what changed?"

Hatred fueled through me. Let's just say I didn't like Snow White not one bit. We'll I basically hated everyone who was currently tied to the tree.

"Hmmmm lets see. Before Regina started the curse Rumple kidnapped me from here. He also killed my family. I was well I wasn't happy during the curse or afterward. If only a certain teacher would see how much bulling was going on in her class maybe I wouldn't have almost died. Then if I wasn't hated people would ignore me. No one really cared did they?"

They all just sort of stood there. Well they couldn't nesciallrly move you know. I stood up taller not letting them see how broken and twisted I really am.

"Why isn't pan with you? I thought you loved each other?"

I looked back at Regina and shook my head.

"People change. But what do you know about love evil queen?"

I walked away grabbing the deer. They would be there for a while. Until I was back at my cave hidden. When I got back to the cave I flicked my hand and the torches were lit. I released the chains back at the tree and put a spell over the cave. It was to keep me hidden and safe. Nobody would brake it unless well true love. Nobody in this world loves me though and I love no one.

"You know that's not true love."

I turned around quickly on my heal dagger at the ready to see.........

Lost but now Found(ouat peter pan book 2)Where stories live. Discover now