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  "NOT MY CUP OF TEA." That was how Annika had replied to Maeve's proposal regarding clubbing, undoubtedly worried about all things so irrationally wild and extreme. Yet, proof of Maeve's excellent skill of persuasion, on a seemingly regular Thursday night Annika found herself standing in a tight dress in what had to be L.A's most irrationally wild and extreme club. The EDM songs playing at deafening volume along with the flickering lights illuminating the sweaty crowd was like nothing she had ever experienced — the last party she could remember participating in was probably a meeting with her former book club.

    So, perhaps Maeve hadn't been too far off calling her a square and effectively coaxing her into agreeing with her plans for the night.

    As she watched the dancers move like puppets to the beat of the music, Annika couldn't help but think about the person calling the shots. She wasn't referring to the DJ, more so to the owner of the club whom she had never met but most certainly spotted on the headlines of several magazines. Lucifer Morningstar was a name that had crossed most people's thoughts, and while that hadn't applied to Annika too much, she couldn't deny the curiosity in her wandering stare now, nor the hope igniting in her heart as she roamed the club by herself.

    However, even if she could not find Lucifer, Lucifer could find her. The man was sitting by his piano, his infamous smirk twisting his lips in mischief as he observed the woman sauntering by her lonesome, looking beyond gorgeous but awfully misplaced in his house of hunger and greed. And frankly, with only a single stare directed at Annika, he felt the burning desire to help her ease into the atmosphere fill his chest to the point where he was turning to his trusted demon.

    "Mazey, won't you be a good demon and deliver that fetching brunette a drink?" Lucifer hummed over to his right-hand woman in a tone that remained charming but left little space to argue, even with the delicious grin stretching his lips. Mirroring the expression, Mazikeen swiftly grabbed a glass and a bottle of alcohol to pour before flashing one more look to Lucifer and then strutting from behind the bar and towards Annika.

    To say that the Hayden was startled to feel a finger tap on her shoulder would have been an understatement, and with widening eyes, Annika spun on her heel only to come face to face with the stunning woman. Rendered speechless at the sight of the gorgeous bartender with a drink she was handing over to Annika, the latter forgot to calculate in stranger danger and simply accepted the glass with a confused frown etched onto her face.

    "From Lucifer", Maze clarified with a smirk before turning on her heel and strutting away with sass and confidence, holding Annika's bewildered attention until the words registered in her head fully. Only then she realized to look around to find the mentioned man — and this time, her search was a success, and a gush of red delved into her cheeks as soon as she locked eyes with the one and only Lucifer Morningstar. Once he was waving his fingers in the air and shooting an irresistible smile at Annika, the woman could thank her luck for not choking on the drink she was drawing a careful sip from, not sure what had gotten into her. She did, after all, have work tomorrow.

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