Chapter 1

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I am standing in my empty room, alone, and for the last time. I think about all the memories in here. I have lived here all my life. And now I am 19 years old. My boyfriend Ben and I are moving to New York City today to finish college. I will be going into my sophomore year at NYU, you could say I'm nervous. But more excited to be on my own, well with Ben of course. Because I went to a local college, it made more sense to stay with my parents. So this was beyond exciting for me. A whole new city, a whole new school, pretty much a whole new life.

I said my goodbyes to my parents and got into the car with Ben. It was 90 degrees out today, so thank god there was air conditioning in the car! About 20 minutes into the drive, I noticed there was a scowl on Ben's face. "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. I'm fine."

"But you don't look fine. You can tell me if somethings wrong.." "Are you having second thoughts?"

"Damn it Lyla! I told you already, I am fine. Just stop" he harshly says.

"Okay.." Was all I could manage to say.

Ugh! Why did I have to say anything? Why couldn't I have just left it alone? Now he's pissed at me and we still have 6 hours until we arrive. This 6 hours will be hell.

I mean I knew Ben was a dick but he doesn't usually explode on me like that. He has only done that once before, when he...

Oh god no.

He only did that when Kendall, the school whore, kissed him at a party.

Are you kidding me? This cannot be happening.

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