Chapter 8

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**IMPORTANT!! Please Read the following!**

Not necessarily in this chapter, but in the ones starting now throughout the story, there will be intense chapters. Maybe mature is a better word. Anyway, what I mean by that is there will be swearing, although there already was, I want to inform you that it won't stop. Also, what I am mostly writing this for is the fact that yes this is a mature story and there will be some sex scenes/dirty things throughout the book. If you are uncomfortable with it then just don't read it. Thank you guys so much for reading, I love writing this and it's about to get good!! :) hope you enjoy! and dont forget to vote! xoxo

I wake up to hear snoring coming from next to me. I turn my head and feel some pain shoot straight through it, but scared as hell to see who is laying next to me, I do my best to ignore the pain and throbbing. I jump as soon as I see Ben laying in my bed, NAKED. I look down to see that I in fact am naked also.

"Oh fuck." I whisper to myself. I run to the bathroom to take a shower, I need to wash off because I feel dirty knowing what happened last night. Ew.

While I'm in the shower I start thinking about what happened last night. For some reason I can't remember how Ben got here. All of a sudden, it comes to me! That bastard smacked me so hard I fell to the floor, blacked out and he took advantage of me!

A pounding sound pulls me out of my thoughts, suddenly I realize, Ben is still in my room! Holy shit. I jump out of the shower and wrap my towel around me. I am terrified to open the door, but I realize that Ben was drunk last night, he is probably going to apologize and leave and he probably has  a terrible hangover. I finally  open the door to see him staring at me, hungrily. He grabs me by the wrist and throws me on the bed. He is too strong for me to resist him.

He's still standing at the edge of the bed and by now my towel is on the floor. He is now unzipping his pants and as he yanks them down I kick him, hard. He is fucking trying to rape me, this isn't happening. He winced in pain, and unfortunately has fast reflexes so he grabs my ankle, twists it and slaps me in the face.

"Lyla, you listen to me! You are going to fuck me, and you are going to like it!" He growls.

I have never been so scared in my life.

I try to shake my head no but he slaps me again. Next thing I know, he's naked and prying my legs open. Thank god my thighs are toned, so  I press them together as hard as I can but he's too strong, he prys them open and looks at me "Babe are you ready to fall back in love with me?" he says and laughs at his joke, although it wasn't funny. "Get away from me!" I scream as I try to kick him again, but as i try to kick him, the sneaky bastard just enters me and begings thrusting. Honestly, he was never very good at sex... I always loved him too much to really think it but now, I can admit it.

"Oucccchhh" I scream as a sharp pain runs through me.

All of a sudden I hear Ava burst through the door screaming "Lyla!!" I have never been happier to see someone in my entire life.

"Help me!" I manage to scream as I watch Ben pull his fist back to hit me but he never did. I hear a loud thud and realized Ava knocked him out. I think I  was in shock because next thing I know Ava is handing me my towel. I quickly wrapped it around myself and hugged Ava so tight and started to cry. "Thank you so much. Thank you thank you thank you" I sobbed. "I knew something was wrong when you weren't texting me back so I came over to see if you were okay and I heard you screaming, I guess I just had a feeling it was him, and thank god you gave me that extra key! I am so sorry that happened to you Lyla"

I just hug her as hard as I can. "It happened twice too" I say and sniffle.

"What? Twice?!" she said sounding shocked.

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