Chapter 13

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I wake up and immediately look around, confused as to where I am. It only takes a few seconds to realize there is an arm draped over the side of my body. I quickly turn around to see Harry Styles sleeping next to me, and from there I remember everything about last night. I kissed Harry Styles. I slept next to Harry Styles. Oh my god did we do anything? I soon remember that we didn't and I just sigh and continue to stare at the white wall in front of me, waiting for Harry or Ava to wake up.

I have to say, I don't mind laying here with Harry. It doesn't feel awkward or anything, it feels... normal. Almost as if it was meant to be this way. I am pulled from my thoughts when I hear Harry sigh as he wakes up.

"Oh, erm, hi Lyla" he says quietly, clearly it took him a minute to take in his surroundings.

"Hi um sorry I was going to get up but your arm was around me and I didn't want to wake you up and I just woke up and.."

I am silenced with a kiss, our lips begin to move in sync and he parts his lips making way for my tongue. Our tongues fight each other for dominance and he ends up winning which causes him to smile through the kiss.

We are soon interrupted by Ava clearing her throat which made us quickly pull away and look at her. She is standing at the end of the bed with her hands on her hips. "So what did you two do last night? Hmmm?" she questions.

"Ava! We didn't do anything!" I say, quick to defend myself.

"I swear we didn't do anything" Harry says to back me up. It was true, we didn't do anything other than kiss but I still feel like I need to defend myself for some reason. Ava just chuckles and walks into the bathroom. I get out of bed and slip my dress back on and when Ava comes out I ask her to help me zip it up. I would have asked Harry, seeing as he was standing right there, but I'm not sure where we stand. Are we friends? Could we be more than friends? I am just confused and I haven't eaten since yesterday.

It's almost as if Harry can read my mind, seconds later Harry asks us if we want to go to breakfast with the boys. Ava and I shake our heads vigorously and Ava clearly is excited. We use our finger to brush our teeth, weird I know, but we don't have toothbrushes! I pull my hair up into a pony-tail because it is a mess and I can't deal with it today. We walk downstairs and into the small restaurant near the lobby. I hear a few flashes behind me and Harry mumble "Shit"

I look over to him and give him a puzzled look. "What's wrong?"

"It's just, I forgot about the paparazzi. This will be all over the media and people will thing we are dating. I don't want to cause trouble for you because you will get hate from fans." he says, with a sad look on his face.

I look him in the eyes and say "Harry, I will be fine. Don't worry about the hate, I will handle it. We are just friends it's no big deal" I smile.

"Okay, lets just have breakfast and I can take you back to your dorm, yeah?" he says. I nod my head but I immediately get a feeling of sadness in the pit of my stomach. I don't want to leave him yet. I hope we hang out again. he does have my phone number...

Seconds later, Louis is snapping his fingers in my face "earth to Lyla" he chuckles. "Oh sorry, I was just thinking" I say, stumbling over my words. We order our breakfast, drink our coffee and continue to talk for awhile until I notice Ava getting cozy with Niall. ooohh. Wait I thought she liked Liam!

"I need to go to the ladies room, Ava come with me?" I ask. She jumps up and I hear her heels clanking against the tile floor as she follows behind me. We are safely in the bathroom before I turn around and practically shout in her face

"Ava! I thought you liked Liam! Now your flirting with Niall! Omg do you like him? This is so exciting!" I giggle.

"Yeah I found out Liam is dating some girl named Danielle. And Niall  was always my second favorite so he works!" we both start laughing and when we are done with our fit we walk back to the table. When we get there, our food has already been served and the boys are already stuffing their faces.

Niall in particular has like four bites of French toast in his mouth, which just causes Ava to go into a fit of giggles. I chuckle at her response and slide into the booth next to Harry. We soon finish our breakfast so Harry and I walk out to the car. Ava decided to stay and hang out with Niall and he will bring her home later. There are like a hundred paps outside so Harry tells me to hold his arm and follow him through. After a lot of pushing though bodies, we reach Harry's car and we both jump in.

I tell Harry where I go to school and he apparently knows where that is. We begin driving and I am staring out the window as Harry focuses on the road. Next thing I know, Harry's hand is on my thigh and I hear him clear his throat.

"Lyla, I had so much fun with you last night and this morning. It was great to get to know you and Ava." he says. He is clearly nervous about something, and I don't know what. "I had a lot of fun too Harry!" I say cheerily. I zone out for a few minutes because I hear the engine shut off and I begin to look around. We are in the woods, with nothing else around.

"Uh Harry what are we doing here?" I say, confused.

"Just come here, I want to show you something." he gets out of the car and I follow. He takes my hand in his and leads me to the top of a small waterfall. "This is beautiful" I gasp. It really is, it's breathtaking. "How did you know this was here?" I ask.

"When I was a kid, my sister Gemma and  I used to come to New York to stay with my aunt for a few weeks each summer. We went exploring one day and found this place and came out here every time we came to New York." he says shyly.

"Aw that is adorable." I say with a giggle.

"yeah.. " He says trailing off. "so Lyla, I was thinking" He says, while leading us over to a large rock, before hinting to sit down. "I know we only met like 24 hours ago, but I already really like  you. I think this could work, and I am willing to do anything for you. Will you be my girlfriend?" he says with the cutest smile I have ever seen.

"Of course I will" I say with a smile before I crash my lips onto his. Our kiss lasts a few minutes before Harry suggests we go back to my dorm so I can change.

After getting back to my room, I change and we decide to go see a movie. We pull up to the theater and have to fight our way through the crowd of paps before entering. We decide to see Catching Fire, the second part of the Hunger Games trilogy.

Every time I thought Peeta was going to die, I nuzzled my head into Harry's neck. This time, I snuggled right up and breathed in his minty scent.

"I could get used to this" I whisper. "So could I" Harry chuckles.

I give him a warm smile as he leans down to give me a firm, passionate kiss right on the lips.

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