Chapter 7

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Kehlani p.o.v

After the kiss with Jay.. I walk downstairs and Chris is fucked up. He is passed out and sleeping on the couch.

I walk up to him. "Babe" I say as I shake him a bit so he can wake up. He tries opening his eyes and he groans "What do you want from me?" He says in a low voice.

"Come let's go home, I think you have had enough" I say as he stands up and he is a bit wobbly. I help him walk by holding him and his hand around my neck and leaning on me.

He is heavier than he looks. " Bye y'all we will see y'all whenever" I say as I struggle to walk out the door. " Bye Lani and Chris" August says to us and I smile at him.

" Yo Lani I need a ride to my crib" Jay says following us at the driveway. " Uhm sure help me with Chris" I say as I unlock the car. Me and Jay put Chris in the passenger seat and I get my blanket from the boot of the car. I cover him with it and kiss him on his forehead leaving a lipstick mark.

I get in the driver's seat and turn the key in the ignition and when I'm ready to drive, Jay hops in the passenger seat in front.

The drive to Jay's house is silent until he decides to speak. " Uhm.. Kehlani I really like you and you know I can treat you better than Chris.. You need a gentleman in your life." He says almost in one breath.

"I am very happy with Chris and I don't think I can ever leave him because you are in lust" I say as I tighten my grip on the steering wheel.
"You say that but you know deep down inside you love me." He says and he clears his throat.

"Argh could you stop with all this 'I love you' crap, I told you I love Chris" I say reaching for the radio to switch it on. " Fine Lani.. At least let me help you with Chris to put him in the couch or something" Jay says in a low voice. "That would be great thank you" I say as I stop by a red light.

We finally arrive at my place. I pull up in the parking lot and get out to get Chris upstairs. Jay helps me carry him to the apartment and we put him down on the couch and I get a blanket for him from the bedroom and cover him with it.

" Uhm can I have some water please?" Jay says standing near the coffee table. "Sure let me get you a glass real quick" I say as I walk in the kitchen to pour Jay some water. I go back to the living room and give him the glass and he thanks me. We speak for about half an hour till I offer Jay a ride to his crib.

" Nah Lani it's alright I'll call a Uber or something" He says as he pulls out his phone to call Uber. After that we wait a bit till he's phone notifys him that his ride is here. "Yo I gotta bounce I'll see you soon, yeah?" He says standing up from the other couch. "Let me walk you out it's the least I can do" I say slipping in my slippers.

We walk to the door and I hug him. He tightens his grip and his hands start to lower down my back. He's lips come crashing down onto mine and I have my eyes wide open as I try to get out if his grip but he is too strong.

He tries pulling my denim jacket off but I am struggling to get out of his tight grip. Tears start rolling down my cheeks. "Chris..!" I am able to shout as I am choking on my tears. " Chris... Help me!" I scream again as Jay starts forcefully taking off my pants.

Chris p.o.v

I hear the conversation between Kehlani and Jay in the car and I am happy Kehlani wants to be with me and not Jay. I know I ain't perfect but Jay is way worse than me.

I could feel I was carried upstairs and I felt a warm fuzzy material against my body as I was placed on the couch. I hear shuffles and I hear Kehlani screaming my name from a distance. I ignore it but she screams again and it sounds like she is crying " Chris.. Help me!" I hear from a distance. I wake up quickly and grab the baseball bat from under the couch, with the engraving Goodnight.

I stand up and I hear Kehlani crying. I quickly run up to the door and Jay is tryna get into my girl's pants forcefully. I start getting red and I walk up to him and hit him with the baseball bat as hard as I could. I swing it to his head and he's unconscious body falls next to Kehlani's shivering body.

I quickly get the lower part of Jay off Kehlani. Her wrists are purple to show she was being forced to be still. She cries and shakes as I squat to comfort her.

" He...he...he tried to rape Chris" she says as she breaksdown crying on my chest as she grips my shirt tightly. " Sorry babe.. Come let's get you some sugar water and get you to the couch" I help her up and she is shaking so badly.

She finally gets her balance as we approach the living room. I quickly run to the kitchen to get her some sugar water for the shock and as I was about to go back with the water I hear a loud thud. I run to the living room and Kehlani is on the floor, she fainted.

I shake her gently and calling her name a few times, but nothing is happening. I quickly pick her up bridal-style and run downstairs and got her in the passenger seats in the back and sped off to the nearest hospital.

I carry her unconscious body to the emergency room and as I enter a few nurses quicky instruct me to put her on a stretcher. They ask what happened and I tell them she fainted from shock.

She is quickly attended to and she has to sleep over one night. I didn't even realise I was crying when I saw my reflection on the black screen of my phone to call her sister. My heart is beating so quickly and loudly the next person might be able to hear it.

I call her sister to let her know what happened and she said she was on her way. She arrived 30 minutes after the call as I waited for the nurse to tell me what's up. I can't seem to control my tears they roll down my cheeks uncontrollably.

Kehlani's sister tells me to go back home to get Khelani some clothes to change and get some rest. I do as she says and the drive back I was crying the whole ride.

"I am going to kill Jay if anything happens to my babe" I say as I pull up at the parking lot. I wipe the tears from my eyes and I am boiling with anger.

I unlock the door and Jay seems to be still unconscious. I grab him and slap him and he wakes up with his eyes filled with fear. I push him to the hard wood floor.

I crack my knuckles and wait for him to gain his balance. He stands up and I punch him in the face he falls to the ground. He tries a lame ass Jackie Chan move on me and I punch him in the face more. I kick him in the stomach.

He tires fighting back but he doesn't get any decent hits. My fists aim to his face. " I swear if anything happens to Kehlani I will kill you " I say as I swing one more punch to his purple face. He falls on the ground and quickly stands up and runs out the door as I was picking up the baseball bat.

"You better run you damn coward!" I say standing at the door with the bat in my hand breathing heavily. He better pray to God nothing bad happens to Lani or he is gonna die...

I try sleeping but I can't my mind is focused on Lani. I really hope she is okay, I can't lose her. I will change and go to therapy if I have to. I can't lose her...


Please tell me what y'all think about this chapter. Don't just read.

P.S thanks for reading

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