02| Girl Meets Hello New York City

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We got off the subway and I saw three people standing there Riley's parent I believe
"Hey Mr. Matthews" Maya said as she walked over to Riley's mom dad and little brother
"Hello Maya" Topanga replied
"Have a good time Riley" Cory asked
"Um yeah" she replied
"You must be Garcia Finn" Topanga said turning me to
"Yeah my mom said you guys were best friends in high school" I replied
"We were" she replied back
"Thank you for letting me stay with you Mr and Mrs Matthews" I said
"Your welcome Garcia Finn" Topanga said
"Um you can just call me Garcia or cia If you'd like" I said
"In that case call us Cory and Topanga" Cory said
"Ok" I replied
"Bay window" Riley yelled then ran off Maya Zay Farkle Lucas and I all followed

We got to the bay window
"Are we gonna talk about it" I asked Riley
"Talk about what" Farkle asked
"something boys don't need to be apart of" I replied
"Zay Lucas can we have a minute" Riley asked
"Sure Riley" Lucas replied "is everything ok" he asked
"Yeah everything's fine" she replied then Zay and Lucas left
"So what's going on" Farkle asked we all looked at him munis Maya
"Maya likes Lucas" I said
"What" he yelled
"When did this happen" he asked
"I don't know I always pushed it off" she replied then Topanga entered the room
"Garcia your mom is on the phone" she said I nodded and followed her into the dinning room where she handed me the home phone
G: hello
M: hey Cia how's New York
G: pretty good there's already drama
M: what kinda drama
G: well Riley likes Lucas and when Lucas rode tombstone Maya said if he did she would never talk to him again and that's because Maya also likes Lucas
M: who that's some real drama
G: yeah but Riley Farkle Maya Lucas and Zay are all great
M: well that's good and I have some bad new
G: what's wrong mom
M: I'm not gonna be able to come to New York for Christmas
G: oh it's ok mom
M: I'll call you tomorrow alright
G: yeah bye mom love you
M: bye g love you to
I hung up the phone and set it on the table slowly then walked over to the table and sat down looking straight ahead
"Is everything ok Garcia" Topanga asked
"Yeah" I said shaking my head
"What's wrong" Riley asked as her and Maya came out and sat down next to me
"Um my mom can't make it here for Christmas I just... Never spent a Christmas without her before" I said Riley hugged me
"It's ok G you'll have a bunch of people here Christmas" Riley said
"Yeah like uncle boing boing" Maya said
"Uncle boing boing" I asked laughing
"My uncle Josh" Riley said
"And Cory's parents will be coming as well" Topanga said
"is uncle Shawn coming" Maya asked
"He is" Topanga replied
"Another uncle" I asked
"Not really he's my dad's best friend" Riley said
"Oh" I replied
"See you'll have plenty of family and friends" Topanga said as Cory entered and sat down next to her
"Family" I asked
"Yeah Garcia as long as you're staying here are family is your family" Cory said I nodded

Garcia Finn, meets the world| Joshua MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now