14| Girl Meets New Years

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"dad" I yelled running into the House from school Riley and Maya went to Lucas' and while Katy and Topanga were working and Cory was still at school
"Take cover" Eric yelled
"She's in a mood" Jack said
"Shut up I'm not" I replied sitting down they all let out a breath
"What do you need" he asked
"I wanna see the ball drop" I replied
"You mean you wanna go to the New Year's Eve show" Jack asked
"Yeah for my first New Years in New York" I replied he chuckled
"I would love to take you but that gets insane I can't take all you kids and it's not up to me as long as you live with him it's up to Cory and Topanga" Shawn said as Riley and Maya walking in and Josh came into the living room
"What's up to mom and dad" Riley asked
"I wanna see the ball drop but he said its up to Cory and Topanga" I said
"Wait are we that would be awesome" Maya said
"What would be awesome" Topanga asked entering the house with Cory
"they wanna see the ball drop" Josh said Cory gasped
"Can we" Cory asked like a child
"What no I'm sorry girl it's just to crazy and I can't take you" Topanga said
"I can take them" Josh said
"Josh you can't take 5 kids to time square it's to dangerous" Topanga said
"Ladies" Farkle said entering the house  with his dad behind him
"Farkle" all three of us replied my dad gasped
"Minkus" Shawn said Stuart gasped
"Hunter" he replied I sat down
"Get ready for a show" I said as Farkle Riley and Maya sat on the bench with me
"What are you doing in New York" Minkus asked
"Here for Christmas I might be staying" Shawn said he laughed
"So Farkle another girl" he said then looked at me I got up and went over
"Garcia Finn Hunter nice to meet you" I said putting my hand out
"Stuart Minkus" he replied
"Wait Hunter as in Shawn Hunter" he asked
"Yes and Garcia Finn Hunter as in his daughter" I replied he gasped
"Angela" he asked Shawn nodded
"So what was all the yelling about" Farkle asked as I returned to my seat
"We wanna go to time square" Maya said
"But mom won't let us" Riley said
"Topanga" Minkus said
"I have something at the office and I don't trust anyone else to take 6 children to time square New Year's Eve" Topanga said
"I'll take them" Minkus said the four of us got excited
"Really Minkus" Shawn  asked
"Yes I was thinking of taking Farkle why not take his friends with" he said
"Can we Topanga" I asked she looked over at us are faces were lit up with joy
"I guess" Topanga said we all cheered
"Boing boing you coming" Maya asked
"Sure" he replied shrugging
"I guess I'll come to" Jack said
"Great I'll go call Zay and Lucas" I said pulling out my phone

Garcia Finn, meets the world| Joshua MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now