05| Girl Meets Christmas

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"Wake up wake up it's Christmas" Aggie yelled running into the room and jumping on Riley and Maya
"Aggie if you don't stop jumping I will throw you" Maya said Aggie stopped jumping and got down
"Wake up wake up" Cory yelling running into the room like Aggie said
"Mr. Matthews" Maya yelled
"She's mad" Aggie said
"Run" Cory said and they ran out I laughed and got up we all got dressed Riley in black leggings with a red dress and brown heels, then Maya in jeans, brown boots, and a red sweater and me I but on a Christmas dress, red leggings, black boots, a Santa hat with a black over coat i then put my hair into a fishtail braid
"Hurry up" Aggie yelled
"Coming" Riley yelled back then Riley and Maya walked out I didn't I opened my locket which my mom gave me a while back of a picture of me my dad and her
"Coming" Riley asked coming back
"Yeah" I replied closing it and walking out Josh and Aggie were watching the Smurfs on tv the same special my mom and I watch every year while Cory and Topanga made breakfast pancakes I believe Maya and Riley sat down at the table but I went and sat down next to Josh
"Morning" he said
"Morning" I replied not taking my eyes off the screen
"You look like your in a trance" Riley laughed
"Sorry" I said shaking my head "this is a Christmas tradition of my mom and I" I said turning back to the screen
"I know you mom was texting me telling me to make sure you get a little bit of it" Topanga said I looked back and smiled at her then returned my eyes to the screen and out of the corner of my eye I saw Josh not looking at the screen but at me but then out of my other eye I saw Maya looking at him looking at me I got up and went to sit next to Maya
"Breakfast" Topanga called we all sat down and ate
"These are amazing" I said
"Thank you G" Topanga said
"For once" Cory mumbled
"What" Topanga asked
"Nothing" Cory jumped
"That's what I thought" Topanga said
"Guess who's here" someone said opening the door coming In
"Shawn" Cory yelled getting up and running Topanga laughed and rolled her eyes
"Uncle Shawn" Riley said getting up after Cory finished freaking out
"Hey Riley" he said
"Shawn" Maya said getting up I just continued eating
"Hey kiddo" Shawn replied his voice sounded so formiller but I couldn't put my finger on it
"New kid" Shawn asked I turned around then the voice made sense the voice wasn't just any voice it was the voice of my dad I was shocked I couldn't say anything his jaw dropped as well I quickly opened my locket at looked at him in the locket then him in real life I went back and forth then I shut the locket and got up I went to him where Riley and Maya stood
"Shawn.... H Hunter" I asked he nodded
"Garcia Finn Hunter" he asked I nodded and without thing we hugged and everyone was confused we were still hugging when Maya but in
"Wait what's going on" Maya asked
"Yeah what's going on" Cory asked I pulled back
"My dad" I said turning to Riley her jaw dropped as well as everyone else's
"My dad who left me" I said turning back to him
"Crap" he mumbled
"the dad who left me and my mom who left me when I was a child" I said getting angry
"Garcia calm down" Riley said putting her hand on my shoulder
"Garcia there's a good reason why I did" he said
"What was Shawn" I asked he looked hurt from me calling him that I swallowed with tears coming into my eyes
"I wasn't a good father" he said "you were better without me" he finished
"And how was I supposed to know that when I was 4 or 5 years old and you just picked up and left and for years I blamed me myself and I" I yelled
"G you have no right to blame yourself for what I did" Shawn said he tried hugging me but I pushed him off and ran into Riley's film crying

Riley's POV
"Well this picked up quickly" Josh said as he and Aggie ate popcorn Shawn let out a sigh I thought for a second
"You and you" I said pointing to Shawn and my dad
"Me" they both said
"Bay window now" I said and they followed

Garcia's POV
I sat in the bay window then Riley came in with Cory and dad
"What" I asked wiping my eyes
"Riley brought us in" Shawn said as they sat down
"Dad sigh a lesson" Riley said
"You don't mean" he Asked
"Yes" Riley said
"Ok" he said then turned to me
"The forgiveness project" he said
"What's that" I asked
"You try to forgive someone from what they did In the pass" he said I nodded Riley looked at her dad then they got up and left
"Riley wait" I said but she closed the door and I was left there with Shawn
"Forgiveness" I mumbled
"Why did you leave" I asked
"I told you" he replied
"The real reason dad" I said he let out a sigh
"I thought I couldn't raise you and you would just hate me" he said
"I loved you when you came home every night" I said
"Your mom and I grew apart and she took you i left and then I tried coming back but you weren't there" he said
"We moved to Texas" I said he nodded
"I made friends there Lucas and Zay but now they live here and are friends with Maya and Riley" I said
"See life worked out" he said
"I still would've loved you to be there" I replied he nodded putting this head down
"So what do you do know" I asked he looked up
"A travel and take pictures for news papers um and I'm an uncle to Riley and mostly to Maya" he said
"Would you be able to become my dad again" I asked
"If you want I'll try my best to be the best dad" he said
"I do" I said then hugged him then pulled back
"So". "Anyone in your life" I asked he laughed
"Yes Maya's main Katy" he said then Riley and Cory came I stood up and hugged Riley
"thank you" I said
"Your welcome" she replied
"Thanks Cor" Shawn said as Cory sat down next to Shawn at the bay window
"Any time" he replied then the window opened
"Ladies" Farkle said putting his head in and saw Cory and Shawn
"sorry do I have right house" he asked
"Farkle" Riley and I said
"Ladies" he said to us and climbed in sitting in the middle of Cory and Shawn
"Who's this" Shawn asked
"Shawn meets Farkle minkus" Cory said
"Minkus" Shawn said Farkle just looked at him smiling
"Yep" he replied then got up and came over to us
"Minkus reproduced" Shawn asked I laughed and walked out with Riley and Farkle to Maya

Garcia Finn, meets the world| Joshua MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now