03| Girl Meets First day

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Riley woke me up the next morning by jumping on me while I slept on the bay
"Come on one day till winter break" she yelled I rolled over
"What do you mean one day" I moaned
"School" she replied
"Why do I have to go to school the day before winter break" I asked sitting up
"Because My dad said so he's also the teacher" she said
"Ok let me get ready" I said standing up and walked over To my suitcase which was in front of Riley's dresser and I picked out my outfit I then ran my fingers threw my hair because my hair is normally straight then Riley handed me a navy blue backpack
"Hey ril's hey G" Maya said climbing in the window
"Hey Maya what are you doing here" I asked
"I eat here every morning" Maya said
"Why" I asked
"My mom is always working" Maya Said I nodded
"Come on let's go eat" Riley said Maya and I agreed then left her bedroom and went into the kitchen Cory sat on the end with Topanga and aggie on the other side which Maya Riley and I across from Topanga and aggie
"Morning" Topanga said
"Morning Topanga" I replied
"I hope it's ok we're sending you to school today we just don't want you to be home alone" Topanga said
"It's fine at least I've got friends" I replied
"Hey it's Farkle" he said "and Zay" Zay added
"Coming" Riley said not getting up
"And Lucas" Lucas added
"Coming" she yelled running to the door Maya and I laughed getting up slowly and walking out following Riley

We walk into school and we go straight to Riley's locker
"You're gonna share with me until after winter break" she said opening the locker door I nodded and threw my backpack it but I put my phone in my back pocket then we walked into Mr. Matthews class
"Where do I sit" I asked
"Behind Farkle is fine G" Cory said i nodded and sat down behind Farkle
"Is that all you wear dresses and boots" Farkle asked
"Yes" Zay and Lucas answers
"Shut up so did you" I said
"Do I now" he asked
"No" I replied

After school I grabbed my stuff from Riley's locker and we all walked home well to Riley's and by all I mean all the whole package Lucas Zay Farkle Riley and Maya and we went straight to the bay window
"You guys coming over for Christmas Eve" Riley asked
"Yeah" Lucas said
"Wouldn't miss it" Farkle replied
"Can't family party" Zay said rolling his eyes
"Oh I know how bad those can be remember the Christmas party 3rd grade" I asked Lucas Zay and I all shivered
"I wish I didn't" Zay replied
"Same" Lucas said

Lucas Zay and Farkle soon left then after Riley Maya and I ate dinner we watched some tv then a movie after the movie was Over Maya went to her house and we went to bed Riley in bed and me on the window seat Riley tried giving me her bed but I like the window seat it takes me back to Texas the first week my mom and I moved in because the truck was late so I had to sleep on my window seat so I don't mind it reminds me of home

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