18| Girl Meets Proposal

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We returned to New York the next day it was nice to see Jack Shawn Eric and Aggie again over the last few months they became my family and not just a friendly family a real family
As we all sat on the couch watching the rerun of the episode that was cut from the power Topanga and Katy were talking in a low voice while Cory was somewhere with Shawn when Shawn came storming in with Cory behind him
"Katy" he said Katy looked over at him and got up
"Yes" she asked Maya and I looked at each other and the three of us moved to the kitchen table
"There's no other way to say this I love you and I love Maya and I don't wanna not be apart of her life" he said
"I love you to Shawn and I love Garcia" she said
"Katy Hart" he said getting down on one knee Maya and I jumped up in tears
"Will you marry me and I promise I will never leave you or Maya or G ever" he said
"Mom" Maya said Katy looked at her
"Dad" I said Shawn looked at me Cory and Topanga were in shock if only Eric and Jack stayed another week
"What do you say" Shawn asked
"Yes" Katy said
"Yes" Shawn asked
"Yes" Katy said again nodding Maya and I were now crying we hugged each other as Shawn got up and put the ring on Katy's finger then they hugged
"We're gonna be sister" I cheered
"The sister I never had" Maya said putting her arm around my shoulder Katy and Shawn turned to us
"Maya" Shawn asked
"Yeah Shawn" she asked walking over to him
"Are you ok with this" he asked she nodded Shawn hugged her
"And G" Katy Asked
"Yes I'm more then ok With it" I said she smiled and hugged me

"Yay" Riley said as we sat in the bay window
"Why yay" Maya asked
"My two best friends are gonna be sisters" she cheered we laughed
"Well hello sister" Maya said putting an arm around my shoulder
"Hello sister" I replied placing my arm around her shoulder

Garcia Finn, meets the world| Joshua MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now