20| Girl Meets The Funeral Part 1

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(Ps- Shawn, Jack, and Eric went back to help and Garcia was with Finn until she was 5)
"Where is it" Josh asked as he sat on Riley's bed while I packed
"Philadelphia" I replied
"Who's in Philadelphia" he asked
"No one she loves it there and Amy and Alan are planning it so it's there" I said he nodded
"You know you really should be packing" I Said running around to pack
"G clam down you need to take a break" he said
"No Josh I need to go get pack same as you" I said throwing clothes into the suitcase and slamming it shut and leaning against it closing my eyes and crying
"I don't wanna go back" I cried
"You gotta go back G your mom would want you to" he said
"I can't believe I'm going back to Philadelphia I always wanted to go back but not for this reason" I said tears running down my face
"We no teenager thinks there be going to this" Josh said
"But they actually don't I do" I said turning my head to him then looked down I continued crying I sat down next to Josh he pulled me into a hug I hugged back and cried into his shoulder

I sat on the bus looking out the window staring down watching the road as it disappeared behind us everyone came with for this Cory, Topanga, Riley, Maya, Josh, Farkle, Minkus, Zay, and Lucas the whole group as my arms rested on the arm rest Josh grabbed my hand entangling our fingers I didn't look at him for the thought I would cry
"hey can I talk to her" someone asked it took a second until Josh removed his hand and got up another person took his place I saw Lucas' reflection in the glass of the window
"You ok" he asked I put my head down and looked over at him
"You now how I said before this was two much when you talked to Josh" I asked
"Yeah" he asked
"I lied. THIS is to much" I said starting to cry he looked sad and pulled me into a hug I started bawling into his shoulder he hug me tight and rubbed my back
I soon fell asleep with my head on his shoulder at some time he got up I woke up to see Josh sit back down
"Get some sleep" he said putting his arm around me I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder it just didn't feel like when Lucas was there everything went away same for Josh but tonight Lucas and I connected even more then we have the pass 6 year because I bawled in front of him yeah I cry in front of everyone but now there's only two people on the bawling list
And my mom
The bus finally got to Philadelphia and went to Alan and Amy's house Cory and Topanga got Cory and Eric's old room while the kids shared The living room
"So when is it" I asked as we sat at the breakfast table
"What" Amy asked
"The funeral when is it" I asked
"Oh In two days don't worry it's gonna be great" Amy said
"Can I be excused" I asked
"Of course" Amy said I nodded standing up and going out the back door I sat down on the Picnic table and cried the door opened and closed I looked over and Shawn was there
"You ok G" he asked
"No" I shook my head running over to him hugging him
"I don't wanna be here" I cried
"Me nether but we gotta" he replied
Later that night we all went out back to Amy and Alan's backyard to have a camp fire and a cook out we all sat around the fire while Alan and Cory cooked Josh sat on one side of me holding my hand while Lucas sat on the other side of me
"Ok guys dinner" Alan called they all got up and went over to the table Josh stood up
"You coming" he asked
"Na I'm not hungry" I replied
"You did eat breakfast or lunch you need to eat dinner" he said
"Josh I said I'm not hungry" I said
"G please" he asked
"No" I replied
"Ok" he said then threw me over his shoulder and walked towards the table
"Joshua Matthews put me down" I laughed kicking he turned around so his back was to the other yard I looked up and saw Fenny I gasped
"Fenny" I yelled pointing to his then Shawn, Topanga and Cory Turned around
"Fenny" they yelled Josh put me down
"Hello Matthews, and Hunter reunion" he asked
"You did hear the new" Minkus asked
"Yeah new" Fenny asked
"Angela died" Cory said
"Oh well that's horrible when's the funeral" he asked
"Tomorrow" Topanga asked
"Mine if I would come" he asked
"Of course" Shawn said
"Well would you like to come over we're having a cook out" Amy asked
"Sure" he said opening the gate we all sat down and for that hour the whole world faded away I laugh with Riley and Maya and Farkle and Lucas and Zay and Josh and Shawn and all of them then it was over like most good things in my life over and gone with in minutes
The kids were all on the couch we watched child's play 3 Alan came in and scared us half way threw damn him
The movie was over everyone went to bed Josh and Farkle each got a chair while Riley and Maya slept on the couch while Lucas, Zay, Aggie, and I got the floor
I tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep when I finally did my dream was horrible
I stood at my others bedside in the hospital in the ICU she was dying right in front of me
"Mom" I yelled but nurses and doctors came In and started to take her away
"What's going on" I asked no one answered
"Please somebody" I said following them then a doctor walked threw me I fell to the ground
End of dream
I woke up out of breath and looked around I was in the living room on the floor I looked over at Josh who was asleep on one of the chairs I crawled over to him
"Josh wake up" I whispered shaking him he didn't wake up he is a heavy sleeper after all
"G why are you up" Lucas asked from his 'bed' I went over to him he was sleeping head up against the back of the couch
"I had a bad dream and Josh won't wake up" I said
"Do you wanna sleep here" he said slowly I nodded he sat up I sat next to him he put his arm around me and I placed my head on his shoulder soon falling asleep

Garcia Finn, meets the world| Joshua MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now