Girl Meets Funeral Part 2

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(Outfits from last chapter)
"The hell" I heard somebody yell I rubbed my eyes and saw I was asleep next to Lucas with his arm around me and it was Josh yelling
"Josh" I shook awake
"What the hell Lucas" he yelled Lucas stood up
"Dude it's not what it looks like" he said
"Then what was it" Josh asked
"Listen Josh I had a bad dream and I tried waking you but you didn't wake up so I went over to Lucas to talk and we fell asleep" I said
"Josh give her a break today's a bad day" Riley said
"Your right Riley" he said
"I'm sorry" he hugged me
"I'm sorry josh it won't happen again" I replied
I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection in the mirror me Garcia Finn Hunter dressed in all black going to her mother's funeral I didn't think this day would come so soon I thought mom would always be there but now she won't and I don't wanna lean all my weight on Shawn because last time I leaned half my weight on him he ran and I fell almost hitting the ground but this time my mom wouldn't be there to catch me
I'm glad they could all come Cory, Topanga, Lucas, Farkle, Riley, Maya, Zay the whole group I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have a family well Shawn but I wouldn't have ever got him back if I haven't met Riley and I wouldn't have met Riley and Maya and Farkle with out Lucas and Zay I own it all to them and Cory and Topanga who let me stay at there house so I have my whole life to thank to them

hey sorry I haven't updated in forever and sorry it's a short chapter and i don't explain the actually funeral I'm just not the best writer when it comes to that stuff also I wrote something and it didn't save

Garcia Finn, meets the world| Joshua MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now