06| Girl Meets Christmas part 2

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We went back out to everyone and four more people were there
"Grandma grandpa uncle jack and Eric" Riley said going over and giving them a hug while Cory gave Eric a hug and Shawn Jack
"Hi uncle jack" I said
"Um hi?" He questioned
"Garcia Finn" I said his jaw dropped
"Finny" he asked I rolled my eyes
"Yes your little Finny" I said
"Holy shit" he said picking me up and spinning me around
"You grew" he said
"Idiot it's been years" I replied
"Still you use to be so short now your tall" he said
"Did he have the talk" I whispered to dad
"Sadly yes" Shawn replied then I was introduced to Cory's parents Amy and Alan then to his idiot of a brother Eric
"Ok time for Presents" Amy said we all cheered and sat around the tree Josh for some reason Moved away from Maya and sat next to me I didn't think of it and just let it go we got threw all the presents going from Riley to Aggie to Maya to Josh to Cory to Topanga to Shawn to jack to Eric to Amy to Alan I didn't get much because most of them didn't know I was coming but the stuff I did get was a pair of new cowboy boots, a white dress, some beanies, and a computer which I thought was a little much but I thanked Them because they didn't need to get me anything
"This Christmas was awesome" Eric said
"Agreed" I said
"But there's still one present" Cory said
"What" we all asked
"And it's for G" Topanga said I looked at her and everyone looked at me then she handed me a small box
"What's this" I asked
"Since your mom couldn't be here she sent you a present" she said smiled and opened it to find a heart necklace with my birthstone of August in the middle
"It's beautiful" I said then I heard Josh mumble something it sounded something like 'Like you' but I probably heard wrong then I gave it to Riley and she put it on it hung on my neck not to long but not to short ether unlike my locket which hung down to the bottom of my rip cage
Then there was a knock on the door
"I got it" Maya said smiling she went and opened the door
"Maya" a woman said hugging her then closing the door
"Hello Matthews" she waved
"Hi Katy" Topanga said I looked at Shawn
"Ohhhh Katy" I said Jack laughed his ass off
"Grow up" Shawn said to both Jack and I then told me to get up with him we walked over to Katy he kissed her then stood back with me
"Who's this" Katy asked with a smile
"Um Katy this is my daughter Garcia Finn" Shawn said
"You have a Shawn" she asked
"Yeah" he replied
"Well it's nice to meet you Garcia, Finn, Cia, G, Finny" she asked
"G" I replied
"Well it's wonderful to meet you G" she said
"Nice to meet you to Katy" I said
"G your mom is on the phone" Topanga said
"Oh mom" I cheered grabbing the phone
"Her mom" Katy asked
"Angela Moore" Shawn replied Katy nodded
G- hi mom! Merry Christmas!
M- wow G you are sure in a good mood
G- I am Christmas in New York is great I met amy and Alan Matthews and Eric Cory's brother
M- what about Josh
G- him to
M- well it sounds like your enjoying yourself so I'm gonna let you go
G- ok bye mom
M- by G

I hung up the phone jack and Shawn looked at me
"So she doesn't worry" I said they nodded
"Ok everyone dinner" Topanga said
We all ran to the dinner table which was a little bit small for all of us but we made it fit we had s huge dinner with ham and all the sides it was so good I'm glad my mom became friends with such a good cook
Dinner was over and we were cleaning up Topanga put Josh and I in-charge of  the dishes while Maya and Riley were sent out to pick up some marshmallows from the story down town I washed while Josh dried
"Well today was very interesting" Josh said
"Yeah well my life has been pretty interesting since I came to New York" I said
"I think everyone's life is interesting with my family" he said we looked at each other I smile and returned to washing
"You know Maya really likes you" I said
"She's insane" he said we both laughed "and anyways she's to young" he said
"Got your eye on anyone" I asked
"Yeah I do one girl" he replied taking a Dish out of my hand
"Who" I asked
"I'll never tell the girl doesn't even know" he said
"Well she's lucky" I said
"Yeah" he said then I saw a smile come across his face he put is hands in the water and splashed me With the soapy water
"You did not" I said turning to him
"I did" he replied I grabbed some and splashed him this went on for a while then he picked me up from behind arm pretended like he was gonna dunk me in the sink when Shawn and Topanga scared us
"You guys done" Topanga asked which made Josh jump and he slipped from the soapy water on the floor we both laughed
"What happened" Shawn asked as Josh helped me up
"I'm nothing I'm sorry I'll clean it up" I said
"No Riley will be home soon I started it I'll clean it" Josh said
"You sure" I asked
"Yeah" he replied just then Riley came in with Maya
"We're back" Maya said
"What happened" Riley asked when she saw me covered in soapy water
"Soap fight" I replied
"Come on let's get into our pj's then we can make coco" Riley said
"I never had coco before is it good" I asked Riley Maya Cory and Shawn all looked at me
"Shawn this is not your daughter she's never had coco before" Cory said we all laughed

I hung up the phone jack and Shawn looked at me "So she doesn't worry" I said they nodded "Ok everyone dinner" Topanga saidWe all ran to the dinner table which was a little bit small for all of us but we made it fit we had s huge dinner with ham a...

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We went into our room and got into our pj's then went back into the living room which smelled of chocolate then we all got are coco and put marshmallows and whipped cream on it then we sat on the couch Josh sat next to me I sat in the middle of Josh and Riley then Maya sat next to Riley everyone else was somewhere in the living room Cory turned on the polar express we drank our coco and watched the movie before we new it we were all passed out on that couch

Garcia Finn, meets the world| Joshua MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now