10| Girl Meets Collage Party

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The rest of the day Maya made Riley and I help her pick out an outfit that made her look older then I picked out an outfit followed by Riley we hid the clothes under Riley's bed then after Josh said bye to us we all got dressed and since it was cold I threw on a light sweater
"Let's go" Maya said climbing out Riley and I looked at each other
"come on" Maya yelled then we climbed out
We decided to walk to NYC because Josh was taking the subway so he wouldn't see us and so we wouldn't get there at the same time
By the time we got to the collage we were cold are fingers frozen from Frostbite and our cheeks red from the coldest we stopped outside Maya took a step I put a hand on her shoulder stopping her she turned around
"Are you sure about this" I asked
"Of course I'm sure lets go" she said pushing my hand off Riley and I followed her
We walked around for a little bit then stopped
"There are so many clubs here" Riley cheered
"Stop acting weird blend in" Maya said
"I'm so going to collage here" Riley said then turned to a poster
"Pep squad" she said then girls screamed and took her away
"Bring her back" Maya said and they returned Riley then walked off Maya and I laughed then she looked into a dorm and saw Josh talking to two collage girls her confidence went and her face turned sad my heart broke for her
"Let's go" Maya said turning to leave
"why" Riley asked then she saw
"Oh Maya" she said
"No Riley I wanna go" Maya said then walked off
"No you came this far I'm not letting you back out" I said pulling Maya back and pushing her into the dorm Riley and I followed
"Whoa Maya" Josh yelled standing up
"Josh you know these girls" one of the girls asked
"Um yeah" Josh replied
"Really you know these girls" the boy asked coming up to us
"We're in middle school" I said
"Whoa Josh what are they doing here and how do you know them" he yelled jumping back.
"This is my Niece and her friends and why are you here" he asked
"Because Maya wanted to come" Riley replied Maya looked down as Josh looked at her
"Maya talk" he said
"What's there to talk about you know I like you" Maya said
"Maya how can you like me you don't even know that much about me" Josh said
"Your right besides the part of you that traveled all the way to New York just to open your letter in front of your brother and the part of you that's gonna walk us home" she said
"Maya I don't like you like that bec-" he was cut off
"Because why Josh" the one girl said he looked over at her
"Because she's to young" Josh replied
"And" the other one asked
"And-" I cut him off this time
"Because you like someone else" I replied
"Right" Josh said
"Maya" one of the girls said
"What" Maya asked
"Maybe he might be saying now that your to young but in a few years maybe he'll see what kind of a girl you are" she said
"Ok well thanks for planning out my life" Josh cut in
"But I gotta go" he said calmly
"Why" the one girl asked
"Because I need to walk them home" Josh said

As we sat on the subway Maya and Riley were standing at a pole while I sat down about 10 inches away from them Josh who was standing came and sat down next to me
"You know what I like about Maya" I said looking at her
"What" Josh asked
"She's tough and she'll get threw this" I replied
"Yeah that is the good thing about Maya" he replied
"Anyway who do you like if you don't like Maya" I asked he moved over and placed a hand on my knee
"You" he replied I shockingly looked over at him he smiled I could feel Maya's eyes burning threw the back of my head the train stopped it wasn't our stop but I got up and Went over to Riley and Maya
"Riley let's go" I said
But it's not are stop" she replied
"We'll walk" I said leaving the subway Maya and Riley followed but Josh didn't I ran as Riley and Maya tried to keep up I was on the track team back in Texas so I use to running I got to the apartment and run up stairs when I got home I slammed the door everyone was still there munis Alan and Amy but Shawn Katy Eric Jack Cory and Topanga were all there they looked over as I ran to Riley's room
"Hey g are you ok" Shawn asked I stopped in the door way
"Great just great" I replied then went to Riley's room with out getting into my pjs I laid down on the window seat a minute or two later Riley and Maya came in
"G-" Riley starter
"Shut up she's asleep talk to her tomorrow" Maya said Maya knew I wasn't asleep but she didn't want to upset me even though I upset her today
I don't under stand it I'm the same age as Maya well actually I'm young she was born in July then the next year I was born in January and he complains Maya is to young I'm as tall as her as well

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