04| Girl Meets Uncle Boing Boing

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Riley and I woke up Late the next morning well around 9 o'clock because Topanga came in and told us breakfast would be ready soon and that her uncle Josh's plane would be landing soon from Philadelphia which is weird Cory, Topanga, and my mom are from Philadelphia as well as my dad
So we got up and we got dressed I looked threw my bag for an outfit while Riley was at her closet she looked over at me then came over and opened a drawer and took the clothes out putting them into another one
"there" she said
"What" I asked looking up
"You can have this drawer" she said
"Thanks" I smiled standing up and throwing my clothes in it besides my hats and shoes i then put on a white dress with blue lace like toms I then brushed my hair and threw on a blue hat which went with my toms Riley was dressed in a long yellow skirt, flannel shirt, brown boots, and a gray hat
We went out to the table and sat down to a plate of bacon eggs and pancakes
"Where's Maya" I asked
"She's probably just late it's cold out there" Riley said
"I totally didn't think about that how cold are Christmas's here" I asked
"Freezing" Riley replied then Maya came rushing in
"Josh is on his way up act natural" she said then put her feet up behind my back  I looked at Riley she laughed as I chuckled then the door opened and I turned my head around
"Hey fam" the boy josh I was guessing said
"Hey hi yeah don't care" Maya said looking at her Nails
"Uncle Josh" Riley said standing up and hugging him
"Hey ril's" he replied
"Little bro" Cory said like a child standing up at the table
"Big bro" Josh replied then went over and hugged Cory
"Hi josh" Topanga said
"Topanga" he nodded then sat across from me
"Whoa new girl" he said I looked up "Cory Topanga you adopt" he asked
"No she's are old friend Angela's girl she's staying with us for a few months" Topanga said
"Garcia Finn Makenna Hunter" I said putting my hand out
"Long name. Joshua Erik Matthews" he replied shaking my hand then he remembered something
"Guess what I got in the Mail" he said standing up and standing in the living room then he pulled out a letter
"My collage letter to NYU I might be staying here" he said Maya looked up wide eyed
"Did you get in boing boing" Maya asked
"Calm yourself woman he didn't even open it yet" I said Josh laughed
"Well open it" Cory said jumping
"Ok" Josh said then turned around Maya got impatient then ran and jumped on his back
"Maya get off" Josh yelled
"Give me the letter" she yelled
"No Maya it's mine" Josh replied then Maya got it and opened it
"Dear mr. Matthews we are sorry to say we are only excepting married students" Maya read Riley and I laughed
"It doesn't say that" Josh said taking the letter and throwing Maya on the couch
"I got in" he yelled we all cheered
"What's all the noise" Aggie asked coming out rubbing his eyes
"Aggie" Josh yelled
"Uncle Josh" Aggie yelled then ran over to Josh who put Aggie up on his shoulders
"Aggie guess who's staying with us next year" Cory asked
"Who Garcia" he asked
"Nope your sitting on his shoulders" I replied
"Josh" Aggie yelled
It was a real family a mom dad uncle brother sister friend it was so cute how Maya liked Josh and Aggie and Josh are best friends it was to cute
But it just made me think about my family when I was a little kid when my dad would come home I would run to him and he would put me on his shoulders
I get up and walk out of the kitchen and to Riley's bedroom I pull out my phone and text my mom
G- hey mom
M- hi G is everything ok
G- no
M- what's wrong
G- I miss you I wish you could be here
M- I know I miss you to
G- well I'll let you go love you
M- love you to g
I put my phone away right as Riley came In
"You ok" she asked I nodded
"Yeah fine" I replied
"Bay window" she yelled maya came in and we sat down
"Now what's wrong" Riley asked I looked down
"Are you scared of telling us" Maya asked
"No it's just weird because I grew up with boys and I'm not use to talking about this stuff" I replied
"we'll get use to it now come on" Riley said
"Seeing you guys your family how close everyone is just made me think of my dad before he left" I said
"When did he leave" Maya asked
"I don't know maybe when I was 4 5" I shrugged
"I know how you feel" Maya said
"How" I asked
"My dad left when I was 6 and my mom was never home because she was always working" Maya said
"I guess you do know what it's right then" I replied
"I do" Maya replied
"G" Riley asked
"Yeah" I asked
"D-" she was cut off
"Your friends are here" Josh said entering the room with Aggie on his shoulders
"Finally" I said getting up and walking pass Josh with Riley and Maya following we went into the living room where Lucas and Farkle were
We all sat down and played life on there wii the groups were Topanga and Cory, Lucas and Riley, and Aggie and Ava the others of us didn't have a partner Josh was on the chair when I was on the end of the couch
"Hi" Maya said sitting next to Josh
"Garcia partners" Josh asked getting up and squeezing between the couch arm and me
"Sure and you know you can call me G" I said
"Got it" he replied with a smile
"Maya" Farkle said like Farkle does Maya looked at him with a angry face
"Mommy don't hit daddy mommy don't hit daddy" Farkle said I laughed
"Who wants to start" Riley asked
"Smallest always goes first" Ava said grabbing the wifi remote they rolled and went then Cory went then Riley then Maya then me and we went like that until the game was over it was around 11:30 then we saw Josh and I won
"Ok time for bed" Topanga said getting up
"No" Aggie said
"Mom can't we stay up till 12" Riley asked Topanga looked at the clock
"Ok" she replied We all counted down until Christmas then the clock said 12
"Happy New Years" Ava yelled
"Ava sweetie it's Christmas not New Years" Topanga said
"New Years" Ava replied
"I thing it's time to leave" Topanga said then picked up Ava
"Weeeee" they both said then she put her down in front of the door
"Bu-" she slammed the door I held in my laugh
"Now time for bed" Topanga said Farkle and Lucas left then we went into Riley's room we sat on the floor and just got talking about random stuff but mostly about how Maya likes Josh then Josh opened the door
"Night" he said
"Night uncle Josh" Riley said
"Night Josh" I said
"Night Josh" Maya said really nicely almost In a flirty way
"Yeah ok" Josh said awkwardly then closed the door we got into our pj's then Riley got in bed followed by Maya who slept with her head at Riley's feet then I curled up at my window seat and drifted off into a deep sleep

Garcia Finn, meets the world| Joshua MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now