17| Girl Meets Trip To Home

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"G there's mail for you" Topanga said when she came in the door I got up and got it
"My train tickets" I cheered and ripped open the envelope while sitting in the middle of Riley and Josh with Maya on the side of Riley
I took out 8 train tickets and a note

Here's 10 train tickets I want all of you to come including Cory and Topanga and the last one is for if you made another friend in New York

"We all get to go" I said
"what do you mean all of us" Shawn asked
"Maya, Riley, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, Josh, Cory, Topanga, and I" i said
"great I we get to go home" Zay said hitting Lucas' arm
"Even Josh" Lucas asked
"Yes" I said
"Hurrrr" Maya said getting up in his face
"No shit Lucas" Zay said
"Fine" he rolled his eyes
"When do we leave" Topanga asked I looked on the tickets
"Friday" I replied
"Two days perfect" Topanga said
"Finally I can see mom" I cheered
"G could you tell her hi for me" Shawn asked
"Sure" I replied

As we sat on the train I looked out the window we were the only ones on the train car Josh came over and sat next to me I looked over at him
"Are you scared" he asked
"Yeah what If she's different" I asked
"She won't be and if she is we're all here" Josh said I nodded keeping my scare out the window

The train pulled into the station I was asleep with my head on Josh's shoulder he tried shaking me awake but Riley yelled which woke me
"Texas" she yelled I shook and woke up I looked out the window and saw my mom standing waiting
"Why is she here" Farkle asked
"Yeah I thought you said we were gonna come" Lucas said
"I don't know" I replied standing up putting my backpack on my shoulder Josh stood up as well putting his backpack on
"You ready" Josh asked I nodded he grabbed my hand and we interlocked our Fingers and walked off the train Lucas walked next to me
"G" mom said With a smile
"Hi mom" I said almost crying she looked down at our interlocked fingers
"I'm glad I sent an extra ticket" she said
"Yeah mom this is Cory's brother Josh" I said
"Hi Ms. Moore" he replied
"Angela" Topanga said coming over hugging her then Cory
"Cory Topanga it's been forever" she replied
"I thought you were gonna wait for us at home" I said
"G please I wanted to come and get you" she said
"Are you ok" I asked
"G I'm fine I don't want you to act like I'm dying just act like everything is normal" she said smiled tears coming out of my eyes I let go of Josh's hand and hugged my mom

We got home to my real home it was gonna be kinda small for all of us but Lucas and Zay are going home so that cuts down two people
"Same as I left" I said looking around she laughed
"You only left a few months ago g" she said putting an arm around me
"I know but it felt like forever" I said putting my head on her shoulder

The next morning we all got up
"Let's go since your only here for one day I wanna take you out for breakfast" mom said
"Um mom I was thinking maybe we could just go out mother daughter time" I asked
"Yeah you guys go I'll cook for them" Topanga said
"Are you sure" mom asked
"We're sure go" Cory said

We were in the car driving to the diner
"dad wanted me to say hi" I said
"Well tell him I said hi as well" she said then it was silent
"So Josh" she asked I didn't replied
"Josh" she asked again
"How are you acting like nothing is happening" I snapped tears in my eyes
"Because G I have to think of important things" she said
"But mom you're sick and you might die and your gonna act like its nothing" I said
"G everyone is born it die" she said
"When there old not when your young and have a child and who would even be my parents if you were to" I asked
"I don't think about it G" she said
"I'm sorry mom I just don't wanna lose You" I said
"You won't" she replied
"Don't make promises you can't keep" I mumbled

We sat at the table and ordered we both got pancakes
"So Josh" she asked I laughed looking down
"It's nothing to worry about mom I promise" I said
"You sure" she asked
"I'm just scared about Maya" I said
"Maya why" she asked
"Maya likes Josh but Josh says that she's to young when I'm younger then Maya" I said
"Well how old is he" she asked
"17 starting collage" I said she nodded
"Omg I need to tell you this we snuck out to a collage party" I said and told her the whole story and other story's as well I could tell she was happy at the friends I made

The next morning we woke up and we had to get packed I walked out Into the kitchen and my mom was on the phone
"Ok is there anything else we can do I have a daughter I need to get passed this" she said
"Mom" I said from the door way
"Talk to you later bye"
"Yeah g" she asked
"Um were ready to go to the train station" I said she nodded

The train pulled up I stuck to mom's said
"We have to go" Riley said I nodded and turned to mom
"I'll call you as soon as I get back to New York" I said
"I know you will" she said I pulled her into a hug
"I love you" I said
"I love you to" she replied then she pulled back
"Go be with them" she said I nodded I stopped at the train and looked back she smiled and nodded then I got on the train and sat down next to Lucas
"Hey huckleberry" I sighed sitting down
"You ok" he asked
"Yeah now I am" I said looking out the window as the train pulled away from the platform

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