12| Girl Meets Over protective 'brother'

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We entered the apartment everyone was ether at the table or on the couch
"G where were you we got up and you were gone" Riley said hugging me
"Sorry I went out for a walk" I replied
"Then how do you explain huckleberry" Maya said I looked back at him
"Um... I ran into his and since he couldn't come yesterday he could come today" I said to quickly
"Great" Riley replied
"hey josh could I talk to you alone for a second out in the hall" Lucas asked
"Sure?" Josh asked
"Lucas don't" I replied
"G I just wanna talk to Josh" Lucas said then went out closing the door behind him Riley and Maya started to her room while I sat down behind the door
"G what are you-"
"Shhhh" I replied pressing my ear up against the door

Lucas's POV
I took Josh Into the hall
"Yeah" he asked
"Don't ask like nothing happened Josh G told me everything and your being selfish" I said
"How" Josh asked
"You idiot she just got back in touch with her dad after years she away from her mom she just moved here and she has to deal with Shawn and Katy and your gonna add to that and what about Maya" I yelled
"I don't like Maya Get it out of your mind I don't like Maya" he yelled
"Well your gonna make Maya hate G so don't make anymore problem with her" I said
"What are you her brother now" Josh asked
"Yeah I am" I replied stepping in then there was silence

I heard silence I quickly got up and opened the door Josh and Lucas were standing there in each other's faces Maya got up and stood next to me
"Huckleberry" Maya said he turned to Maya
"Yeah" he asked Maya got up in his face and very casually said
"Lucas" I said he then turned to me
"Your my brother" I said he was shocked everyone was by what I said he then moved in and hugged me out of no where I started to cry into his shoulder he hugged me tighter
"It's to much Lucas" I whispered
"I know" he replied I opened my eyes and looked at Josh he had a look of worry in his eyes I pulled Lucas back and went over to Josh
"I'm sorry" he said
"Don't be Josh" I replied pulling him into a hug

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