You'll Be Alright

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"But what if something goes wrong?" Bucky asks pacing the room in front of you. "What if someone gets hurt? So many things could go wrong!" He exclaims throwing his hands up in the air.

"Bucky, it's going to be fine. Besides, you're not the one with a baby inside you." You say placing his hand on your growing stomach. "No matter what you think you are going to be a good father."

"What if I hurt the baby?" You laugh and sit down on the couch. He sits down next to you and pulls you into him.

"No one is going to get hurt Buck, look how good of a job you've done dealing with me." He scoffs and plants a gentle kiss on your forehead. "You're going to be alright."

"Congratulations Ms. Y/L/N, you have a beautiful baby boy and girl." The nurse says handing you the twins you had just given birth to.

"You said there was only one Y/N." Bucky teases coming to sit over on your hospital bed. The love in his eyes is prominent.

"Don't you like surprises James?" He laughs.

"Only if these surprises have names." You look down at your children, the girl's eyes are open. Bright blue orbs like her father. You smile.

"Ella...and Grant." You say looking to Bucky for approval. "You choose middle names."

"Rose and James."

"I love it. Ella Rose and Grant James." Bucky smiles down at you and you kiss him gently. "Do you want to hold them." He nods and you hand him Ella. Steve comes in a couple minutes later and takes Grant.

"He's beautiful Y/N."

"I named him after you." You murmur, sleep sounding like heaven.

"Thank you." He whispers.

"Fitting don't you think? Maybe he'll be just as heroic as his godfather." Steve makes a choking sound.


"Steve, you helped us both through the pregnancy and you're my best friend. Don't you think you should be the godfather?" Bucky asks from his position in a chair where he was rocking Ella.

"I...I...thank you."

The rest of the team came in over a period time but you had fallen asleep. Bucky chatted with all of them and passed his children around. You woke up to Bucky softly singing to Grant and Ella, each child tucked into one of his arms.

"You're both so beautiful." He whispers. "Just like your mommy." You smile in the dim hospital room.

"Ella has your eyes." You spoke up. Bucky moves over to you, handing your daughter over.

"I know. She has your smile though." On cue Ella let out a small giggle and Grant cried out. Bucky bounces him slightly and gradually Grant stops crying.

"See? I told you you'd be alright."

"That girl isn't going get a boyfriend until she's thirty with all these uncles." Natasha remarks tickling two-year old Ella.

"Well considering who her mother is she might have a hard time keeping them away." Tony said eating a plate of schwarma. You rolled your eyes.

"Lets save boyfriends for another time." You replied.

"Maybe for like 20 more years!" Bucky called from the kitchen where he and Steve were finishing the twins birthday cake. You laugh. The boys finish the cake and bring it out, setting it in front of the twins, who babble and stick their fingers in their mouth. Everyone sings and you and Bucky fed the twins a piece of cake.

"Thanks for coming!" You call after your teammates closing the door to your apartment. You sigh and sat on the couch. Bucky comes over and puts an arm around your shoulder.

"It's ok. You're gonna be alright." You smirk.

"You asshat. That's my line." He chuckles and the two of you fall asleep. Only to be woken by the twin's cries three hours later.

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