My Names Olivia Benson, Whats yours?

842 17 7

15th April 2016

Olivia Benson was walking down street as she usually would, ordered her usual coffee to take away. Passed her neighbors on their way to work. Everything was normal. She was about 4 blocks from the precinct, when she noticed in the alley way in all the bags of rubbish there was a leg sticking out. She quickly went over to the alley and realized it was a young girl, she noticed she had been hurt. "This is Detective Olivia Benson, i'm with Manhattan SVU the 16th precinct, i need a bus to about four blocks away from the precinct i have a female unconscious with a faint pulse possible signs of sexual assault." As Olivia got off the radio she tried to wake her up. "Sweetie?, Sweetie can you hear me?, I'm a police officer" She got no response. Just then the ambulance arrived, and so did the squad, while Melinda examined the crime scene Elliot went over to Olivia, they exchanged a kiss and then a hug. "Liv are you okay, i heard your the one that called it in" "yeah, yeah i'm fine it's just this poor girl we have to worry about" She said as she turned to see the ambulance take her in the gurney. They went to talk to Miranda. "Your victim was raped, and i can probably guess because of the bloody foot print on the floor." "You can tell from the footprint that she was raped?" Elliot asked almost in disbelief. "If she had been stabbed the blood what have made splatter patterns and would have been running a certain way down the body. Whereas with Vaginal trauma, the blood would be much darker and blood would in one certain place which suggest why the blood was stepped on. "Any ID?" Liv asked looking back a where she found her. "No not that we can find, lets just hope she lives so you can get an ID" Olivia nods and smiles at Melinda "Thank you". Olivia held Elliot's hand as they walked to his car.

Mercy General

They finally arrived at the hospital, they identified themselves as police officers and asked to speak to the doctor who was handling the victim. "Detective Benson?" A voice called over "yes?" "I'm Dr Pond, i've been looking after your victim, follow me" Olivia and Elliot followed her. "As you saw her when you found her, there were signs of bruising across the face and stomach and her thighs...." Olivia dreaded what the doctor was going to say next "we did run a rape kit, and there are signs of vicious sexual assault in the vaginal area, and well in the words of kids today, her cherry was picked" Elliot looked at the doc worryingly as they reached, the young girls room. "she's a virgin?" "I'm afraid so" The doctor said as she opened the door we also managed to get her conscious too she might be a bit tired, so please go easy on her "I always am" Olivia faintly smiled at the doc as she left them alone with the girl. The girl began to open her eyes. "Hello" Olivia smiled the girl looked groggy "W-where am I-I?, and who are y-you?" "I'm Detective Benson and this is Detective Stabler, but you can call me Olivia and him Elliot, your in a hospital, do you know why?" "I was raped wasn't I?" she asked as a tear started to fall from her eye. "yes you were" She said with regret "Oh god!" "What's your name sweetie?" "Steffi, Steffi Cox", she said full of tears "We know this is hard" Elliot said "But, do you think you remember what happened?" "Ugh, i don't know it's all a blur um oh god!, i've only just turned sixteen i'm a virgin! Sorry, um"She cried while trying to wipe her tears away. "Well it was about 10 o'clock and i was walking home from a birthday party.... the next thing i remember was feeling so sore! like i do now." Olivia gave her a sympathetic look. "We'll leave you to get some rest hun and if you ever remember anything else..." She took out her business card. "You call me on my cell day or night i'll always be there to answer, okay?" She nodded and thanked Olivia she soon drifted off to sleep. "You Okay liv?, she looks through the window to see Steffi sleeping. "It's gonna be one of those cases, and with part of her memory lost because of concussion we don't know how much more information she may come up with?" Eliot pulled her into a long hug and kissed the top of her head. "We'll solve it, we always do" 

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