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"Can I stay with you?"

Those words stuck in Olivia's head ever since court. As she sat there drinking wine at 11pm with Steffi sleeping and Elliot out with Kathleen and Dickie. She hadn't had time to her self in so long. She sat there drinking her wine with the letter and adoption papers in her hand.

The Gramercy Tavern

"And that's how i met your mother" Kathleen and Dickie laughed. Elliot and Kathy had been split for 6 years now, when the kids found out about their dad and Olivia all of them but Elizabeth approved. But over time she grew to accept the idea. "Dad by the way what you got for Olivia for your 6 year anniversary was absolutely beautiful, I'm jealous" Elliot laughed "Yeah well she's special" Dickie sighed. "What's up Son?" "I just miss this you know, us together like we used to be, and i'm not trying to defend what mom did because it was totally unacceptable but you had to cut her some slack, she did think you were sleeping with Liv at the time" "Shut Up Dickie!, your such a big mouth" Elliot frowned. "Wait, what?, what are you talking about?, when was this?" Kathleen knew she had to open up, she couldn't hide it anymore. "That year after that Case with the guy Abraham and he killed all of those kids and Liv was the most destressed out of all of you, well Mom noticed you weren't coming home all the time, and when you said you were at work, she didn't believe it" Elliot frowned. "How could she think that?, i would never cheat! and the irony is she went along and cheated". He sighed.

"Thanks for a great meal dad, it was the best I've had since god knows when" Kathleen said as she hugged her dad before she got into the taxi. "Your welcome baby, i love you, you know that right?" She nodded and kissed his cheek and got into the taxi. "Bye Paps" Dick said while patting Elliot on the back and giving him a manly hug. "Stay safe son, and look after your sister on the way home okay?" Dickie winked. "Don't worry dad, i always do" He got into the taxi, Elliot closed the door. Kathleen blew him a kiss and Dickie waved at him. He waved back and they drove off.

6th June 2016

Olivia sat her desk catching up on some paperwork, it had been the first time she had set foot at work since the kidnap.

"But never mind that Detective Benson, I've seen your love grown for Steffi, I mean who wouldn't she's a beautiful thing and sorry but that's all got to change" He ran up to Steffi and grabbed her. Steffi screamed. "LEAVE HER ALONE, BRUNO NOOO!!!" Bruno began opening his buckle as he forced Steffi's legs open with his knees. Olivia broke down and was sobbing. "No! P-please leave her alone". Bruno then scraped Olivia's face with a knife. Olivia cried out in pain. "OLIVIA!!!" "I'm sorry Steffi I can't help you!!" Olivia sobbed even more. Bruno then inserted himself inside Steffi. Steffi didn't scream, she didn't cry. She just sat there.....frozen. Olivia froze watching not being able to bare it. He was thrusting inside her, letting out moans as he thrusted harder.

"Hey Olivia?, You okay?" Olivia had been brought out of her thoughts by Steffi. "Y-yeah i'm fine, wait your supposed to be at school" Steffi sighed as she sat on the seat opposite Olivia's. "I know.....I was, but I left at lunch, I-I just can't face being at school right now." Olivia sighed "Well then-" Olivia's Cell beeped. It was a message from Elliot.

Hey Liv,

I'm here and bring Steffi with you.

El xx

Olivia grabbed her coat. "Come on." She said looking down at Steffi. "Where are we going?" Olivia smiled. "It's a surprise" Steffi took her hand and they walked out the precinct to the car. They arrived at the court house. "Olivia what are we doing here?" Olivia didn't answer but Steffi followed her anyway. They reached the court room. Elliot, Casey, Fin, Munch, Amaro and Cragen were there. Steffi was even more confused. "Now will you tell me what's going on". She said as they entered the court room. In front of her was the judge from the case. "Miss Novak told me, that Detective Benson was the one who found you, when you were first raped?" Steffi nodded. "Well i have been informed that Olivia was originally not able to adopt due to her job. But after having a taken consideration of her rescuing you and your age. I agreed to sign the adoption papers" Steffi began to cry, happy tears she looked back at the squad who were smiling. She ran up to Olivia and Elliot and hugged them so tight. "OMG!!! T-This is the b-best surprise e-ever!!" Elliot smiled at Olivia. "B-but what made you change your mind?" "Well Elliot was so great with you the other week and i felt like there was a motherly bond between you and i and so i wanted to make that permanent" Steffi smiled up at her as she hugged her again. Olivia, Elliot and Steffi then went up to the judge. "I now by law, name you Steffi Roberta Agnes-" "Hold up one second" Elliot shouted "Before we finish, i'd like to say something" He turned to Liv. "Liv we have been together for 6 long years, we may have had our ups and downs but i love you no matter what." He then got down on one knee. Olivia gasped. "Olivia Margaret Benson....Will you Marry me?" Olivia looked over at Steffi, who was urging her to say yes. Olivia full of tears. "Yes! Of course I'll Marry You!" she cried. Elliot slid the ring on her finger, they hugged. "As i was saying before, I now by law, name you Steffi Roberta Agnes....Stabler" Everyone clapped. Olivia, Elliot and Steffi looked at each other and then hugged. "Mum.......Dad" Steffi whispered as tears fell down her cheeks.

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