You Have The Perfect Life

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Steffi sat outside the principals office, angry and feeling ashamed she began to cry scared of what would happen next.

The Precinct

Olivia was at on top of Elliot's desk, flirting with him. Munch and Fin looked at each other and rolled there eyes. "if you love birds don't mind, we've still got a case to work, an amber alert for finding Bruno and calls coming in from the hotline and plus we don't know if Bruno is out to get you too" Olivia still letting out a laugh turned to john. "I'm sorry Munch i just needed a laugh it's been depressing recently." Just then Cragen came out of his office. "Liv can i talk to please?" Olivia looked at Elliot confused as she followed cragen into his office. "What's up Cap?" "Close the door" Olivia closed the door then had her hands in her pockets as she turned around to face him. "I just received a call from Steffi's school" Olivia looked worried now. "Cap?" "She got into a fight, Liv she almost beat the crap out of two girls and the parents might be pressing charges, and because you've been the one under her protection, I've told the principal that your gonna come and speak to him" Olivia looked back at him in shock. "Thanks, i'll make my way there now" She walked out of his office and went to her desk in a daze to get her coat. "Babygirl you okay?" Fin asked. "S-Steffi's been in a fight at school" Elliot began to look concerned. "is she okay, was she hurt" Olivia sighed "let's just say the girls she was fighting definitely won't be messing around with her anymore". "Want me to go with you babe?" Elliot asked as he came up to her. "No no, it's okay, i'll go" She hugged him and then took his car keys from his desk.

Olivia arrived at the school, showed her badge to reception and made her way to the principals office. She saw Steffi sat outside, full of tears. Steffi noticed her and ran up to hug her. Olivia embraced the hug. "Sweetie, what happened" "E-everyone in the school knows Olivia, they know about the rape everyone knows!" Steffi burst into tears again, Olivia held her tighter "Shh, Shh it's okay, look I've gotta talk to the principal and when we go home I've got some news for you and if you want you can sleep with me tonight. Steffi nodded faintly, and went to sit back in the seat she was in. "Hello?, Mrs Wilson?, Hi I'm Detective Benson my captain said that you needed to speak to me about the fight Steffi had gotten into today?" "Yes, Um..." She replied while looking through the statement and Steffi's file. "It was a pretty brutal fight she put both of them in hospital." She handed the statement to Olivia, her eyes beamed at the pictures of where Steffi had caused damage. "Well Principal Wilson, they were bullying her, it was self defense she was raped no one had the right to take the piss outta her. What happened was private and not her fault and shouldn't have been said for the whole school to know." Miss Wilson had regret on her face. "Look i understand that it's a difficult time. But if you look at her file, up until a week ago she's a straight A student." Olivia could see this in the file. "But i am sorry, i'm going to have to suspend her for at least few days. Olivia sighed "This isn't right!""It's not a punishment, it's just so she can get her head together and i don't want other students to think that she's gonna get away with it as it might make the situation worse." Olivia sighed and rubbed her hand on her cheek. "Thank you Miss Wilson, um do you mind if i borrow this file?" She nodded and then shook Olivia's hand and began to walk out of the office. "Uh,  Detective Benson?" Olivia turned around. "I hear you've been looking after her for a few days?" Olivia nodded. "Well i think your doing a good job, very much mother material, shes lucky to be in your company." Olivia smiled and walked out of the office. Steffi stood up. "Come on lets go home" She put out her hand fro Steffi to hold it and She took it.

"So you said you had some news for me?" Steffi asked as they got inside the flat. "Y-yeah i do, i think you'd better sit down" Steffi went to sit on the sofa. Olivia put her bag down and coat and shoes and went to sit with Steffi.  "So um we've had some developments in the case" "Some?" "Well actually a lot, we have found the man who raped you, we also found out that it may have been your uncle who killed your parents.." Steffi had her hand over her mouth in shock. "...And i'm so sorry but the next bit you may find distressing. "Y-Your Uncle Bruno.... was the man who raped you" Steffi broke down into tears. "No!, not Uncle Bruno!, why would he- ughh did Miss Monroe know?" She said full of tears. Olivia sighed. "I-I'm afraid she did, did you know she's your aunt by marriage?" Steffi nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?" "Why do you think Olivia?!, You've met her" Steffi couldn't stop crying. Just then Kathleen came in. "Hey Olivia!... ooo i've come at a bad time, I'll be in the spare bedroom" Olivia turned back to Steffi "I'm sorry Steffi, i feel so horrible, i worked on your mothers case and she was just like you so strong willed but also knew how to hide her emotions and when to express them." Steffi sighed while wiping her tears away. "It's okay Olivia, it's not your fault. You helped my mum and i'll love you forever for doing so" She kissed her on the cheek. "I'm gonna head off to bed" As she did, Steffi turned around "You know Olivia you have the perfect life, you have Elliot a home and friends. and what do i have?" she shrugged her shoulders and the went into the bedroom. "It's almost perfect" Olivia whispered as a tear streamed down her face.


Elliot arrived home after a long shift, he went to the washroom then came out and took his shoes and coat off. He then went to his and Liv's room as he turned on the light he saw Olivia and Steffi sleeping there peacefully. He smiled. "And you say your not mother material" He chuckled lightly and went to kiss Olivia on the cheek he then turned the light off and went to sleep on the couch.

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